Chapter 1

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"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The church guy said. 

River grabbed Ramona by the hips and kissed her passionatly. Everybody clapped for the happy couple who walked down the isle. I smiled at my sister who seemed happy with River most of the time. Weddings were supposed to be like this weren't they? All happy, filled with people who support the marriage, want it to happen. 

"Come on Isis." I said walking to my car, and setting her in her car seat in the back.

I drove to the rec hall, where the dinner was taking place, also known as the reception. The wedding was at the beach, right when the sun was going down. I knew that my photography would turn out great, even with my one year old neice Isis, distracting me and getting in the way. 

I set Isis on my hip and walked into the rec hall where everybody was meeting for food, music, and a long night of people most likely getting waisted. I walked over to the girl in the white dress, her hair was flowing down in black curls. River was at her side, talking to my uncle Tony. 

"Congradulations guys." I smiled, situating Isis on my hip.

"Aubrey, we wanted to talk to you." River said happily.

"About?" I asked.

"We were wondering if you could watch Isis tonight. We wont have a honey moon since River has alpha business. We're going to celebrate tonight." Ramona winked at me. 

"Gross you guys." I whinned.

"It's okay. We need to be at the house in the morning anyways for breakfast. Tony and Nate said they needed to talk to all of us and that it was important we all be there tomorrow for breakfast." She said.

"About what?" I asked.

"Don't know. I didn't question them, just agreed." She shrugged. 

"Oh, well yeah i'll watch Isis tonight." I agreed.

Isis was playing with my blonde hair as my grey eyes searched the room for somebody I wanted to talk to. I wasn't very social with anybody besides Ramona. Now that she's married to River, I was hoping that, that wouldn't end. 

I moved my blonde hair from my blue eyes that looked grey at the time. My eyes had the habit of changing from blue to a really light grey color, almost silver. I smiled at my older sister Ramona who was only two years older than me. She's seventeen, and i'm fifteen. I'll be sixteen in about a week, but I was still really young.

People danced around, having a grand ol' time. I sat by myself with Isis, Ramona frequently coming over to see if I was alright. I sat there waiting for Ricky who was getting out of work and coming over as soon as he could. 

Ricky's from a different pack. One that isn't River's or Tony's. He's from a different pack who stayed up the valley. We didn't have issues with them but I know Ricky still felt really awkward around my family because of it. I tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

"Hey babe." Ricky said from behind me. 

I jumped a little bit, shooting up from my chair and turning to look at him. He was in a tie, which was the first time i'd ever seen him dressed up. I smiled at how cute my boyfriend looked. 

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, being careful of Isis who was mummbling on my hip. I tried to relax against him but my body was tence. I don't know why I was so uncomfortable, but nothing seemed to make me relax. 

"I'm so happy you're here." I smiled as he leaned over and pecked me on the lips.

"Me too, I needed to get away from my brother and his new girlfriend. All they do is, well, ya know." He said shyly. 

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