"Then you must also understand the inherent risk that both you and Ms. Potter are subjecting yourselves to with your newfound relationship... am I correct?"

Here we go... I anticipated that this meeting would revolve around her and me. My jaw clenches, and I raise my gaze, meeting his eyes with a determined intensity. "And that is a risk I am willing to take."

Snape shakes his head. "You foolish boy!" His voice resonates with frustration. He lowers himself to my eye level, his stern gaze locked onto mine. "Your reckless actions threaten to unravel everything we have worked so hard to achieve!"

"Professor," Pansy's voice interjects, her tone laced with conviction. "He won't ruin anything..."

Snape ignores her, his unwavering gaze still fixed upon me. "I'm not giving her up. Not again." A surge of anger courses through me. I am exhausted from constantly being reminded that I cannot be with Dani, and that my mere presence will bring ruin upon us all.

Snape rose to his feet, his voice dripping with contempt. "Your foolish affection for the girl will inevitably kill you," he spat out in disdain.

Feeling a surge of anger, I abruptly pushed my chair back and stood up, facing Snape head-on. "And yet, isn't that precisely what you did with Lily?" I retorted, my voice laced with accusation. "You abandoned her to save your own skin, and look at the result. She now lies six feet underground because of your selfish choices. You prioritized your own survival over her."

Closing the distance between us, I confronted Snape directly, my voice filled with determination. "I would rather die than leave her side again." With a forceful shove, I pushed past him, leaving the room behind. 

With fierce determination coursing through my veins, I stormed towards Dani's room, exuding an aura of anger that made everyone in my path instinctively scatter. As I approached the door, I swung it open forcefully, entering with a resounding thud as I kicked it shut behind me. Dani's initial surprise quickly transformed into relief as she recognized me, but her momentary calm was shattered when she noticed the unmistakable signs of anger etched across my face.

"Hey," she uttered, rising from her bed and stepping towards me. "What's wrong?"

Grasping her face gently in my hands, I turned her around, pressing her firmly against the wall. "You know I would do absolutely anything for you," I declared with unwavering intensity. She nodded, her eyes locked with mine, silently acknowledging the depth of my devotion. "I would die for you, even kill for you. Dani, I would unhesitatingly set the entire world on fire, all because you are my everything."

A heavy silence enveloped us as she continued to gaze into my eyes, absorbing the weight of my words.

"I'm going to make things right with Harry," I proclaimed, my voice laced with determination and resolution.

Confusion etched across her face as she struggled to comprehend my intentions. "Mattheo, what do you mean? Why? You know I couldn't care less about what he thinks."

Drawing closer, I leaned in, my lips brushing softly against hers. "I'm going to marry you one day, Dani. And if my love for you gets me killed, so fucking be it."

I kissed her hard, causing her to gently moan in my mouth. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the unbreakable bond between us, fueled by a love so fierce it defied reason and logic. 

As my hand slipped behind her head, my fingers tightened around her silky strands of hair, pulling her head to the side with an assertive grip. The intensity of my desire fueled my actions, as I began a passionate assault on her neck, alternating between fervent kisses and deliciously rough bites. Each mark I left behind was a testament to the unbridled passion we shared, a visible reminder of our private connection. I wasn't interested in gentleness at that moment; I craved a release for the anger within me, a way to channel it through our mutual pleasure.

Shadows of Slytherin Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora