Veterinary Confinement (Part 5)

Start from the beginning

Gabi and Vivo were just so touched by all of this.

They were almost moved to tears.

Gabi said, "Guys, I just..."

Vivo finished, "Don't know what to say."

Soon enough, they rushed into their friends' arms for a group hug.

"Thank you!"

When the hug ceased, Gabi said again, "This is all just too great."

Vivo agreed, "Yeah, I might be gone for ten days, but it makes me feel better knowing I'll be coming home to not only Gabi, but also such great friends."

Roxie said, "Well, actually, you can mostly thank Stella. This was all her idea."

Charlotte said, "Yeah! Well, not the gifts. We each picked out our own. But getting gifts in general was definitely her idea!"

It turns out this was Stella's plan she told their friends about back at the park.

Her plan was to get Gabi and Vivo special gifts that reflected how each of them got through their separations from coming to Key West.

Maybe the same gifts would help the two as well.

And they most likely would.

Just then, Vivo remembered another plan they had he needed to thank them for, "And thank you for helping us out before. When we started the separation too early."

Stella said, "Of course. That's what friends are for."

It was just so touching.

Gabi and Vivo couldn't have asked for better friends.

Rosa soon had to say, "Ok, I hate to end this so soon, but now we have to get going."

Instead of being so down about it, Gabi just calmly said, "Ok, Mom."

Vivo also chirped in the same manner.

With that, everyone bid each other goodbye, especially to Vivo.

They wished him the best of luck and couldn't wait to see him when the ten days were up.


Vivo was finally at the vet.

Right now, he was in Gabi's lap while they both waited in the lounge as Rosa checked them in.

The place didn't seem so bad.

It had a couple of cute kitten posters and was painted mint green.

And the furniture was very simple yet comfortable.

Vivo was still slightly nervous about his first vet trip and about it lasting ten days.

But Gabi helped by gently giving him a scratch behind the ear.

That did help him calm down a bit.

Just then, the receptionist called Vivo's name.

The family moved into an exam room.

Not much later, the vet came in.

She looked like a very nice lady.

She even had a very warm voice.

"Hi. How are you doing today?"

Rosa answered, "We're doing fine, thank you."

The vet said, "I'm Dr. Breezy and I'm very excited to work with you."

Rosa responded, "Thank you. I'm Rosa and this is my daughter, Gabriella."

Gabi said, "But just Gabi's fine."

Dr. Breezy then looked at Vivo.

"And is this my newest patient?"

Gabi said, "Yep. His name's Vivo. He's a kinkajou."

Vivo gave a small smile to the vet.

Dr. Breezy replied, "He's also a little sweetie pie! Now then, I'll just need to ask a few questions regarding his medical history, then...I'll take it from here."

That meant it would officially be time for Gabi and Vivo to spend some time apart.

While the vet and Rosa talked, Gabi and Vivo had a moment.

They looked into each other's eyes with slight sadness.

But turned into a moment of hope.

They gave each other a warm smile, knowing it wouldn't be long until they saw each other again.

Besides, they also had their friends who would help them through this.

Especially since they were given special gifts to make them more comfortable during the next few days.

When Rosa finally asked Gabi to say goodbye to Vivo, Gabi did so before she and her partner shared one more hug.

Vivo was then carefully handed over to Dr. Breezy.

The kind vet held him with tenderness as she said, "Don't worry. I'll take good care of him. I promise."

Gabi and Rosa said goodbye as they walked out of the room.

Vivo gave a goodbye chirp.

Finally, Vivo was alone with the vet.

Dr. Breezy said to him, "Ok, Vivo. Time to get started. First, let's get you settled in."

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