06/04/23 Issue - Boy's Club

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This week's issue will be a spotlight on male artists. We've got 3 artists for you to spice up your current playlist.

|Zach Hood|
Zach mixes good, smooth lyricism with pleasant, high quality instrumentals that makes it a very enjoyable listening experience. Most songs are relatable and tackle topics that all 20 something's could relate to, from heartbreak to missing your old friends you separated with as we all age out and move out of our small towns. Zack Hood is a new and upcoming artist to check out.
Favourite songs are Daphne and Never Knew A Heart Could Break. Other notable songs are Flashbacks and Kids

|Thomas Day|

Thomas has this contemporary meets folk-pop sound, meaningful lyrics depicting relationships accompanying a beautiful voice. One of the most captivating, heartbreaking songs from him is Not My Job Anymore. Other songs to check from him are: Wildflower, Bonnie & Clyde, and Overplayed.

|Sam Tompkins|

Here's an artist with a hauntingly beautiful, captivating voice who's a terrific singer. Hailed from UK, Sam is a modern version of Bon Iver. If you enjoy works of Sia and Bon Iver I suggest checking out Sam. Song suggestions: See Me, Lose It All, Hero, Whole.

See Me is a song that depicts male insecurity.
"I've never been confident
Never wanted to take my shirt off in front of girls
And it's probably
Something that I have learned, need come to terms and be honest with
But I'm too scared of what people might say
I'm afraid
Of everyone judgin' me
Once they observe what I preserve, they stop lovin' me
'Cause that just hurts, I did it first and cuttin' me
Deeper than a knife ever cut
I'm no good"


Well, we've come to the end of these week's recommendations. What are your thoughts - did you like any of them? Leave a comment and let us know! If you also wanna suggest any musicians for our future issues feel free to send a DM.

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