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The gootraxians here at laminax have always seemed to bother you. You've never liked them because of their hideous bodies and strange features, also because they don't like humans...
Your job is to eliminate every single gootraxian here, and get out!
Your journey starts off with puddles and other things in the walls, and a faint noise...
You walk towards the noise, and find a small group of slimepups, dancing and acting like idiots.
You pull out your bat and attempt to bash them over the head.
Your bat bashes one of the pups, and the others turn their heads toward you, anger on their masks.
The Pink pup steals your bat and runs away. "Hey! Give that back you dumb pup!" You chase after the slimepup, just so you can get your weapon back.
The pup looks at you, and drops the bat in a blue crystal. "Wha- Hey!" The pup waltzes off.
Now you have to go get another bat. Great.
You repeat the process of getting a bat, then getting it stolen.
A Shork notices this process.
You leave the spawn barrier, ready to go beat the pups, but the shork stops you.
"Honestly, I would infect you and put you out of your misery, but it's honestly just so sad so I feel obligated to help you." You look at the shork, wondering if you should hit it or listen to what it has to say..
You decide to listen.
"Look, if you put on a hazmat suit, the pups wont be able to steal your bat." You look at the shork, confused.
"How? Me putting on a suit won't stop them from taking my stuff." The shork sighs.
"I don't know. The slimepups just can't steal weapons from people with those suits on." The shork was about to leave, but he turns around. "Oh, and, one more thing. Get lost before I change my mind and kill you." You nod your head and rush to get a hazmat suit.

You finally find one in the gas room.
You put it on and head out the door, ready to go fight some slimepups.
with your bat in hand, and your mind set, you are ready.
The pups continue acting like fools, but when they see the suit... They cower in fear.
The pups run away, scared for their lives. There was nothing they could do now.
You knew they would do this, so they chase after the pink one, as revenge.

you kill the slimepup and start hunting for other victims.
You kill a couple more slimepups, until something stands behind you.
"Heh... imagine stooping so low to the point where your only targets are weak.. defenseless slimepups.."
You turn around and see whats behind you.
Its a Watermelon Shork!
You are about to swing, but he snatches your bat and cracks it over his knee.
"Tough now, are we?" The lights turn red, signaling that it is a power outage.
"Try infecting me now goo! I have a hazmat suit on!" You say, hands on your hips.
He laughs.
Your face becomes red.
"What do you mean? that shork told me that if I wear the suit, it will protect me from slimepups!"
"Yeah, SLIMEPUPS. Not us. Slimepups are weak. Hazmats mean nothing to us."
He wraps his arms around you, infecting you slowly.
He drops you on the ground.
You look at yourself.
Instead of turnsing green, you become...
Your entire body becomes red, and you seem to look like some kind of fox?
Or.. a dog?
Or maybe a cat?
you can't tell that type of animal you are.
You just sit on the ground, not really doing anything.
"Why am I red?" You say, looking up at the Watermelon shork.
"The hazmat, it turned you red."
"oh." You stand up.
Even though you have failed your mission to defeat the gootraxians, you still like this a lot more than being human. It feels... nice, to be like this.

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