"you seen my phone?" Kaizen spoke out, he instantly started to feel bad for how he acted towards sage yesterday but he was mad. He knew he did overreact when he curse her out for only doing what he knew she'd eventually go back to which was her career.

Ignoring him sage continued to clean around the room, she had no energy for kaizen and his mean attitude or smart remarks today. Her day had been going good and she wanted to keep it that way.

She also felt some type of way about how kaizen acted toward her yesterday. He told her fuck her, called her ungrateful, and many more things that she was taken back by. So she wasn't just gonna easily forgive him, she wanted an apology without telling him that's what she needed to hear from him.

"youn hear me talkin to you?" he inhaled before taking a deep breath, he knew that she had to be mad at him but he was mad at her too.

But deciding to be the bigger person he apologized "I'm sorry for calling you out your name yesterday... and I'm sorry for overacting about yo job shit" watching as she came to a stop she looked back finally making eye contact with him "I don't accept your apology" she shrugged before continuing on her movements.

"mane what?!" Kaizen mugged, he did not expect her to say anything like that, especially since he just put his pride to the side and apologized first.

"I don't kaizen, because you don't mean it. Your only saying sorry because you know it's what I want to hear. I want you to apologize when YOU mean it" sage softly spoke before turning to face him again "okay?"

He loved how mature she was, how no matter how wrong he did her, her character stayed the same. The Same sweet innocent woman he loved the most.

"Aight" he lowly spoke, he felt bad now. Seeing as sage was being so nice and understanding with him but he couldn't do the same or never did the same with her.

"Have you seen my phone doe ma ma?" He asked once again.

"It's in the living room on the sofa, it's been going off all morning. I didn't look though" she added in.

"thank you-" he slowly walked over to her pulling her in for a hug "thank you for everything, for staying loyal to me. For always treating me right even when I'm a fucked up individual towards you. Thank you for loving me and allowing me to continue to love you" he Kissed her forehead "and I am sorry for yesterday, i overreacted and I said some things to you, to try and hurt your feelings because mine were hurt. That's not right and I know. I'm sorry baby" he lifted her head "forgive me, please?"

Staring into his honey brown eyes, sage became weak all over again. She couldn't deny the feeling this man gave her. She wouldn't trade him for the world, good or bad.

"I forgive you my sweet face" she smiled before kissing him softly on the lips "thank you— for actually meaning it this time"

"so today im going to show you all my beauty room!"sage squealed of excitement, once again filming for her imaginary YouTube channel.

"It's pink themed of course, pink is a lifestyle never forget that my loves!"

"Over here is my vanity, it cost about 1500$" she shifted the camera toward her bright all white vanity desk where she'd usually do her makeup and hair.

"My boyfriend said it was a waste of money but I love it! I record some of my best videos with this vanity lighting" she shrugged.

"Next we have my pink plush couch, it was shipped from Paris for 7,000. Yes I know it's a lot of money but it's only one in the world, customs made with my name Sage engraved in the center"

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