Dinner at Fylkir's house

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Siran: Is this it?

Ikor: Yeah I think.

The group reach their destination in the ice realm. Fylkir's house. They were there for a dinner party but the thing was that Fylkir wasn't the one to invite them, rather it was Fylkir's father, Cassen. Ikor's uncle. They let the hyper beast sleep right outside the house as there we're supposed to only be here for a couple hours. They were all dressed up, well what each kid calls dressed up. Erron was out of character, he was extremely nervous because he has met Cassen before, but he didn't really have a good impression of the windy. He takes a deep breath before knocking on the door of the house.

Siran: Wow I knew Fylkir was rich but I didn't expect the neighborhood to be this nice.

Finna: Guys are you sure we should even be here in the first place?

Erron: I don't really know how to answer that but we're here so...

Ikor: I'm sure everything will be fine, we got personally invited by Uncle Cassen so there's nothing to fear.

The prince was trying to calm everyone's nerves but he knew his uncle and this dinner will probably end badly.

Erron: Oh there's a lot to fear.

Riff: Speaking of its kind of weird that Cassen invited all of us here right?

Ao-ki: I'm trying not to think about it too much.

Erron: I can't help it I'm freaking out!

Ikor: Guys calm down and be respectful. Ah- Here he is now.

The door opens up and reveals a disheveled Fylkir. He was wearing clean clothes but his face looked dirty and he looked exhausted, and annoyed. His eyes softened at the sight of his cousin and friends, though the narrowed again after a few moments.

Fylkir: *sigh* Oh god you all actually showed up.

Ao-ki: A nice warm welcoming...

Erron: Thanks for... having us Fylkir.

Trek: I'm sure it'll be fun!

Fylkir: No it won't it's going to be a disaster and I'm sorry for everything that's about to happen tonight.

Siran: Okay...

Fylkir: Come in.

The icey invites the seven gormians in. The house was made of ice and rock, just like the ice palace, and had the same traditional style.

Finna: Wow you have a nice house Filk.

Trek: Kinda reminds me of Ikor's room at the Tower.

Fylkir: I hate it but thank you.

Ikor: Uhh Fylkir... is that Uncle Cassen in the kitchen?

They all turned to the open kitchen window they were across the room from and there was Cassen. A taller icey who was quite big in the chest area had a short beard and a straight face on, staring at the kids intently. It made the atmosphere even more uncomfortable than it was before.

Fylkir: Can I say no.

Erron: Why is he uhh... looking on us like that? 💧

Fylkir: Because he's an asshole with a superiority complex.

Siran: Looks like he's only glaring at you Erron...

It was true the older man's eyes seemed to be fixed on the only Windie there.

Erron: I can see that...

Finna: That is really creepy.

Fylkir sighs before guiding the others to the living room.

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