Brutasha I adore you

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Natasha's P.O.V
I was just finishing up with a mission that Clint and I were on; So Clint what are you doing tonight? Me and Pietro are going to the movies tonight; Clint said; Well I'm going to see what Bruce is up to; I said;
So I decided to go see what Bruce was up to; "I guess that he was working, or something;" I went into the lab and there he was; Hello Bruce; I Said; Hey Tasha; He said; What are you doing? I asked; You know the usual; he answered; So do you want to go out to dinner? I asked; Sure; Said Bruce; Well see you then; I said;

Bruce's P.O.V
I finished my work, I look at the time; It was 5:00 pm, I decided that now would be a good time for me to get ready for my and Nat's dinner date; So I went up to my room to get ready, for tonight; As soon as I finished getting ready, and go downstairs to see Natasha wearing the most beautiful dress that I've ever seen; Ready to go Bruce? She asked; Yes I am; I said; With that we both headed out to a nice Italian restaurant; " I was nervous since this is our first time together without the others; We've arrived at the restaurant, and got our table;

Natasha's P.O.V
Bruce and I got spaghetti, garlic bread, and a salad for dinner; When I noticed that Bruce was a little quiet; Are you ok? I asked; " Well I'm just nervous because this is our first time out to dinner without the team;" Bruce explained; Oh; I said; So what are we going to do later on tonight? Bruce asked; How about we watch a movie? I asked; That's a good idea; Bruce replied; We finished our dinner, Bruce paid for our dinner, then we headed out; When got back home we got ourselves ready to watch a movie;

Bruce's P.O.V
Nat and I were watching a cheesy love movie, but it was also fun to watch; This is the best night I've ever had; Tasha Said; I'm glad that you are enjoying our time together; I added; The movie ended, and Nat and I went upstairs to get ready for bed; " Well same thing tomorrow?" I asked; Sure but a movie date; Nat replied;
Ok then; I said; Bruce; Said Natasha; Yes; I answered; No matter what happens, to us; I just want to let you know that I adore you; Said Nat; I smile; We kissed each other good night, went to sleep;

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