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Rhea stood in the crowd next to Mae-Lin, Mikko, and the rest of her family - family she'd thought she'd lost. Things had changed so much in the last few years. She had more family than she ever could've dreamed; she had friends she could trust; there was peace.

She couldn't hold back her smile as she surveyed the crowd. All four nations were gathered in the same place for the first time in a century.

Zuko stepped out onto the porch of the palace with Aang beside him.

Rhea's smile grew. Things had changed so much.
Rhea set a tray of teacups on the table and took a seat with the others. It was nice to be all together again. Life had been crazy since Zuko's coronation. He was learning to rule his country; Iroh was running his tea shop; Aang helped keep the peace; and Rhea had been catching up with her family.

Sokka sat at a table with a paper rolled out in front of him. "Stop moving around so much. I'm painting a picture. So we can remember the good times together."

Curious, the others walked over. Rhea stifled a laugh as they started complaining about the picture.

She smiled and stared out the window at the sunset. Things had changed so much.

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