The Possession

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Why'd I just do that for?
I can't begin to understand
Involuntarily,my hand does unseemly things
My eyes pop without reason
My head twists and turns without the aid of my neck
My brain, ha! Is the most mysterious
Straying to unidentifiable dimensions
Screaming, wailing, knashing without cause
It's as if, nevermind, that's rubbish
For hours I'd sit and try to recall
Recall, what I did all day
Where I went all day
Who I saw all day
One response always prevailed
Po... Po... Po... nope, no, no, impossible!
Yet, is it?
It's logical, right?
Science can't explain, neither can the most experienced of men
The condition with which I am plagued
Unless it isn't a condition, but a state of mind
Blank for hours
Doing things that cannot be explained
Being everyone but myself
The only logical answer
Is the P word that wreaks of dread
The word I'd never say for fear of winding up dead
A word one would never call late at night
Be it in a church, a cemetry or a shrine
I think there's something foreign
Girded in my loins
Certainly not certain
Since I haven't any evidence
Or knowledge of any similar
Experiencing such atrocities
It is rampant, it is real
For the love of God
I'd hope one day
You wouldn't see
Or feel or hear
This dreadful darkening
Of the eyes, mind, body and soul
I am experiencing.


Inspired by possession movies. (Annabelle/ Véronica)

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