What the hell Draco??

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Harry's POV:

I woke up late today and no one bothered to wake me up, so I had to rush to lesson. I didn't care about breakfast, it's only one day without eating. I'll be fine. I just don't want to be late, but considering I took ages to look for my tie, lesson is probably almost over.

Near my classroom, I see someone waiting, seemingly for someone. Walking closer I notice that it's Draco??? Shouldn't he be in lesson.. whatever its non of my business!

"Oi potter"

he shouts when he sees me, ugh I was hoping he wouldn't see me, well its too late to do something.
I turn around to look at him,

"What do you want?"

I roll my eyes as the words leave my mouth. He doesn't say anything and just grabs his wand quickly so I couldn't fight back.

"Hey what the hell??" I shout at him, "what are you doing-!"

Magic flows my way and I see nothing but black for a couple seconds. When I adjust my eyes I notice... he's taller than me? He seems surprised, until he starts to laugh.

"Hey what did you do-"

I look down to notice, I have hooves?? And I'm furry??? What the fuck??

"Turn me back!!"

I bark at him. He stops laughing and just smirks,

"This isn't what I expected but its even better!!"

He continues to laugh in my face. I didn't want to hear his obnoxious laughing, so I gallop away, to see Dumbledoor. He'll know what to do.

I get to his office and go in not caring about knocking,

"Please help me!! I dont want to be a pony!!"

I beg. He just looks at me and raises and eyebrow before he sighs and stands up.

"I'm gonna send you somewhere, its called ponyville, I trust you to go there and get the gem. The gem is a magical item that will turn you back into a human. It's located in a cave near a giant hill," he speaks, "if your not out in 1 week, you'll be stuck there forever!"

My mouth drops but I nod my head immediately, I dont want to be a stupid pony forever. That's the last thing I remember before I passed out.

Love is a Lie (pony Harry potter x twilight sparkle)Where stories live. Discover now