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Yusuf's' POV:

I was sat on my bed, which is above Amir's. I have seven siblings so the chances of me ever having my own room in this house are next to nothing. Unless all four of my older brothers get arrested, I'm stuck sharing with Amir, a nine year old. An annoying one too.

"Whatcha doing?" He called, looking up at me.

"Texting people." I replied as I deleted the message. Way too much. Way too informal.


"One of my seventeen girlfriends."

"Liar, gayass."

"As if." I scoffed.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Teacher. About schoolwork." I said with half honesty. I was talking to a teacher, just not about school.

Amir hummed in satisfaction.

I was emailing Mr Farouk. He told me to talk to him if something went wrong, and I felt as if the world was ending. I just wanted to cry, and scream a little too. Like before in his classroom.


Hi sir, I don't know what's wrong, but I think everything is wrong.

I sent it off with a deep breath before slamming my phone down onto my bed.

Buzz buzz.


Take some deep breaths, are you around anybody that might make you feel unsafe? Maybe that's why you feel so worried.

I'm locked in my bedroom. Amir is there but he's not going to do anything to me.

YL: I'm in my room, with my little brother.
YF: Could you talk to him about how you're feeling? He might be able to help you better than I can at the moment.
YL: No, he'd make fun of me.
YL: Social is here, have a good night sir.

"Yusuf! Amir!" Dad called out, definitely expecting us to be in the living room in seconds.

"Who's that?" Amir whispered.

"It's Social Services. They want to take us away."

"We want to get an idea of what your life is like, how your father treats you. We have no intentions of taking anyone away just yet." The woman spoke. Bullshit, all of it.

"He's fine, we're fine, piss off." I shrugged.

"I'm sure you are, but we still have to check."

She was here for three hours. Yas fell asleep halfway through and was passed out on the sofa and the woman woke her up, which should get her fired.

"I have to some questions about your father, is that okay?"

"She doesn't talk. She's autistic." I spoke for her, sitting her down on my lap as she fell asleep again.

"It doesn't say that he-"

"Well she is. We're pretty sure, just the doctors are taking forever to assess her." I shrugged.

"She doesn't talk at all?"

"Unless you fancy hearing her scream 'Mama' over and over again, you won't get much out of her."

"Hm. I'll ask you instead then. You seem to be the oldest here."
"Do you have access to hot, clean water at any point in the day?"

"Unless my dad is sleeping, yeah."

"Does your father provide enough food for the six children that live here?"

"Four, and yes."

"It says here that six children reside here."

"Well they don't, Noah and Asher stay with their friends mostly."


"All the time."


"They don't like my dad."

"Why is that?"

"He can be a twat sometimes."

"I feel as if you're being ambiguous on purpose."

"Look, if it was just me, I'd rat him out so fast. He's horrible, but Yasmin hasn't realised that yet, and she loves her abba. I don't want to be the dickhead that stopped a six year old from seeing her dad."

"Has he ever hurt you or your siblings on purpose?"

I nodded.

"A while ago, he was going through a lot with my mum dying."

"That doesn't excuse his actions."

"Give him another chance?"

"What if he decided to hurt Yasmin next? And she couldn't tell anybody, because she's non verbal, then what would you do?"

"I give her baths most nights so I'd see it."

"But you wouldn't know who hurt her."

I was stuck for a second.

"Nobody else would hurt her. My dad hits hard, the kids at her school are weak."

"You know from experience?"


"That your father hits hard."

"Yes. But I'm not a pussy, I can take it."

"You shouldn't have to." She shook her head, standing up as she scribbled something on her clipboard.
"Can I have the addresses your brothers are staying at please?"

I nodded and wrote them down.

"We'll ask them the same questions, then make a decision."

"Put Yas somewhere good. With Dina."

"I'll see what I can do."

She walked out the door and I felt my life crumble. I'd wanted this for so long, to get away from him. Now it was actually happening and I wanted to cry.


"Pack your shit Amir."

He nodded. I don't think he understands what's actually happening.

"What did you say Yusuf?" Dad questioned.

"The truth." I shrugged, knowing Yasmin is a human shield from my father.

"You realise you're all getting taken from me now?"

"Better than beaten."

"Go to your room." He hissed.

I stormed off, slammed the door and climbed up to my bunk. I pulled my phone out to countless emails from Mr Farouk.

YL: I'm going to be in foster care by next week.
YF: Did you tell the truth?
YL: Yes. I hate myself. Yasmin will hate me.
YF: You did the right thing, don't beat yourself up about it.
YL: I hate it.
YF: You haven't done anything wrong. I promise you, everything will work itself out eventually.

I just curled up into a little ball, hugging my knees to my chest. Fuck fuck fuck! I hate this, I hate everything. I just...I just want to cry. I want to scream. I want Mr Farouk to lie on.

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