Continue living, I guess

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Author's P. O. V

Wake up, shower, breakfast, get to class. Meeting with a bunch of people can be quite a pain in the ass.

Lunch, studying, cleaning, sleeping, bullying. Nothing seems to be changing.

Going back home, getting hit, getting yelled at, clean his mess, going out. Why hasn't he die yet?

The same routine going, on and on, ever and ever.

Y/N stare at the TV in the office that used to be his dad's but now it belongs to the one her dad's friend, putting him incharge, Justin Gyo, who she's known for since she was a baby. Now he's the new CEO of Sqye Production.

And Y/N will always hang out there if not at her home since it's kinda boring.

"Y/N, don't you have any homework?"

"No. I've done all of them." Y/N point to the piles of books on the table. "Including the one for the next few weeks."

Gyo look at the piling homework with a sweat 😅.

"How about you go walk around? You know, taking a breather." Gyo didn't look up from his paperwork as he said so to Y/N.

"I'm the daughter of the used to be CEO, why should I go walk around? I've memorised the building throughout my years here, there's nothing I'm not familiar with anymore. Well, except new staffs I guess." Y/N said as she wave her hands while she was explaining to Gyo, who obviously knows about it.

"Well then, how about I give you a job?"

Y/N look at Gyo slowly. "A job?"

"Mhm. I'm holding an audition for the new idol group in the company today." Y/N perks up in interest. "It's almost 11, the audition will start soon. Can you help me with getting them to the audition room? I think they already arrived."

Y/N's eyes roll up to the ceiling, like she can find an answer to that question Gyo asked her. "Sure, why not? I'm boring anyway."

Y/N get up from the seat and stretch her body to loosen the muscles and to rip off that lazy feeling from her there. "The audition room floor 8th, Glade Room?"

"Yep." Gyo nod as he stand up from his seat and head out the door with Y/N. "I'll wait there then."


The two go on their separate ways. Y/N uses the elevator that immediately open up to the entrance of the building while Gyo uses the elevator closest to his office.

Hitting the button 'GF', the elevator starts moving down as Y/N look at her phone, trying to find something entertaining.


The elevator door throw open and she's met with the entrance of the building and people gathering in front of it. Around 10 - 15 people and all of them are girls.

Y/N approach them calmly. "Girls, are you here for the audition?"

They all turn to Y/N and look at each other. "Yes." Most of them said and some of them nod their heads.

"Good, come with me." Y/N turn their backs on them and walk back to the elevator earlier as the girls follow her. "Some of you use the other elevator and press '8'." Y/N point to the elevator just right next to the elevator Y/N chooses.

They hop on and Y/N press the button '8'. The door closes before them and the elevator start moving up.


They get off the elevator and wait for the other group to arrive. Seconds after, the other group shows up and Y/N lead them to the soft purple door which they call Glade Room and open it, letting them in with Gyo waiting for them.

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