The project

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It has been a day and I have not been called yet. I am so curious to know if I'll be a model or not. I'm also exited because maybe I will meet models who in my time stopped modeling.

I really want to meet some of them. For example: Gisele Bundchen or Natalia Vodianova. Tom is exited that maybe I will meet Jessica Alba because she is his celebrity crush.

I am just humming some song when someone opens my door. It's Tom.

-"Hey Tom." I say while sitting on my bed.

-"Hey, Bill and Georg are making pancakes, will you come down to eat?" He asks.

-"Ofcourse, I'll be there in a minute." I say as he smiles and closes the door.

I get up, fix my hair a little and go downstairs already smelling the pancakes.

-"Look it's our supermodel!" Bill says as I sit down at the table joining the others.

-"I haven't gotten a call yet so we don't know." I say as I grab a pancake and put in on my plate.

-"I'm sure they want you, I mean look at you." Bill says as he drowns his pancake with syrup.

-"Thanks, and you're drowning your pancake in syrup." I say laughing a little.

-"Oh, oops, the more the better." He says and he puts the syrup down at the table.

We all laugh a little at Bill's drowned pancake as I randomly get a call.

-"Omg omg, it's the agency!" I yell and they all look at me as I pick up.

I hear some voices on the other side and I hear them say these exact words:"You are now officialy a model y/n, you will have your first photoshoot next week promoting some clothes." As I hear those words I wanted to scream but I decided to play a prank on the boys and I keep a serious look on my face.

-"And?" Bill asks as everyone is waiting for my answer.

-"Uhm." I say looking down to look sad and I see them beginning to drop their smiles." I AM A MODEL!"

-"WHAT OMG THAT'S GREAT Y/N!" Bill yells as he runs up to me to give me a hug.

-"I was scared for a second, but this is great y/n!" Gustav says and he joins our hug.

Tom and Georg also get up to hug and we stand there for 5 seconds just hugging each other.

-"I have my first photoshoot next week to promote some clothes!" I say as we let go of each other.

-"I am so happy for you!" Bill says and we all sit down to finish our food.

I finished my first pancake and wanted to grab another one when suddenly my bad thoughts came up again

You are a model now and you are eating pancakes?! Shouldn't you start a diet now? You are fat and everyone thinks so, the agency just didn't notice it at first so stop eating!

Shut up, shut up, shut up!

I close my eyes for a second to get these voices out of my head. Maybe they are right, I don't know. Maybe I should start a diet or something now that I am a model.

Everyone finishes eating and Bill looks concerned as he had noticed me only eating 1 pancake.

-"There is still one left, y/n do you want it? Because you only ate one." Bill asks.

-"No you can eat it, I'm just not that hungry." I say and he nods and puts the pancake on his plate.

*Time skip*

It's been a few days and Tomorrow I'm going to do my first ever photoshoot. I haven't eaten a lot these days but I'm fine.

I ate normal breackfast, skipped lunch and ate tiny portions for dinner. Sometimes I have a snack but mostly I pick a fruit or vegetable.

It was lunch time and Bill came to my room.

-"Y/n are you coming to eat?" He asks.

-"Uh no I'm not very hungry." I say knowing damn well I am hungry.

-"You haven't eaten lunch for almost a week and you only eat small portions for dinner, y/n is there something you want to tell me?" Bill asks as he walks into my room.

"No really, I just ate breakfast late." I say as he sits next to me on my bed.

-"You ate at 8 and now its 1pm, you must be hungry." Bill says with a concerned look in his face.

-"Bill stop, I said I wasn't hungry, I'll eat something later on." I lied to Bill and he just nodded and went away.

I didn't want to be mean to Bill but I just couldn't let myself eat right now.

I'll just eat dinner at 7 and I'll be fine, I've fine these past days so today won't be any different.

*Time skip*

It was around 7 and I had just been listening to music and trying on new outfits when I went downstairs to eat some dinner. Simone and the boys were already eating so I quikly sat down.

It was pasta with some sauce Simone had made. A salade in a bowl stood in the middle of the table.

I put some pasta and sauce on my plate and I made sure to eat my small portion slow so that it looked like I had a lot because it took me so long. Tom was whining about school and that we had to go back tomorrow.

-"I have this stupid project due tomorrow and I haven't even starded yet." He whines.

-"Well it's your own fault, you should've started sooner honey." Simone says shaking her head.

-"What's the project?" I ask.

-"I have to draw someone for art, but I suck at drawing or anything that has to with art." He says.

-"I can help, I am pretty good at drawing?" I ask, I want to repay him for what he did at the bar.

-"You would do that?" He asks."You do know that you only have tonight to finish it right?"

-"It will be okay, don't worry." I say and we continue eating.

*Time skip*

Tom and I went to my room to discuss the drawing.

-"So who do you want me to draw?" I ask as I grab a paper and a pencil.

-"hmm, draw yourself." He says as he sits beside me.

-"What?" I ask confused, did he want me to draw myself?

-"You heard me, I want you to draw yourself for my art project." He says looking me straight in the eyes.

I look back at him and our eyes meet for a few seconds.

-"I know I'm beautifull but stop staring, it's getting scary." He suddenly says with a grin.

-"Shut up, I wasn't staring, I was uh just zoning out." I say quikly looking away.

I begin drawing and I feel his eyes burning on my face and my hands, he's looking at me, no he was admiring me.

*Time skip*

I finally finished my drawing and gave it to him.

-"Thanks, but why did you want to help me?" He asks taking the paper from me.

-"Well, you helped me at the bar so I wanted to repay you." I say smiling at him.

-"Thank you, it's late though we should sleep." He says and he stands up.

-"You're right, goodnight." I say as he walks out of my room.

-"Night, y/n." He says as he closes my door.

Sorry for the wait, I had a lot of school stuff and exams etc.
♡1.2k words♡
If you have any tips lmk so I can improve my story<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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