Come at Me! - Josh and Reader

187 4 21

REQUESTED BY: @KittyUndercover1 PROMPT: Can you write a story where Josh and Y/N cook or bake something together? There could be silly moments in between like missing an ingredient, small food fight, etc. 

"Hello, Blue!" You greeted happily a smile plastered on your face as you walked up the path to their house.

"Bow Bow!" (Hello!) Blue being happy to see you ran up to you as you got down on your knees and hugged her.  "Bow bow bow bow bow bow bow?" (Why are you so excited?)

"I'm baking with Josh today! OOH, I AM SO EXCITED!!" You and Blue skipped up to the door. You knocked on the door and waited. Rocking on your heels trying to contain your excitement. As the door opened you were greeted by Josh who was holding a bag of flour.

"Oh, HI! Y/N!. Do you know what today is?" Josh asked 

"BAKING DAY!" You all shouted shooting your arms up in the air. In all the excitement Josh sent the flour up in the air. 

You gasped and tried to catch it but missed and the bag of flour went flying to the ground. You and Josh waited for the flour to crash onto the floor and go everywhere. But nothing happened You both looked down to the ground and saw that Blue had caught it with her ears. 

"Nice catch Blue." You took the flour from Blue and held it with both hands. 

"What would we do without you Blue?" Josh patted Blue on the head. "Thank you."

"Bow Bow Bow!" (You're welcome!) Blue's tail wagged at the affection given. 

"Come on inside to the kitchen Y/N" Josh stepped out of the way so You and Blue could enter. 


"What are we baking Josh?" You asked as you both entered the kitchen.

"Well, I was thinking chocolate chippie cookies?" Josh suggested.

"I like the sound of that"  Blue appears next to you on the counter.

"Bow." (Josh) Blue looks over at Josh and gives him a look as she walks across the bench getting closer to him. Josh was confused at first before understanding. Then blurting out.

"I mean it was Blue's idea. We played Blue's Clues and the answer was this recipe.... because I didn't know what to bake with you." Josh said sheepishly and looked at You and Blue.  

"Bow bow." (Better) Blue nodded with approval. 

Satisfied Blue sat down on the bench top proudly and patted the recipe with her paw.

"You have done it again Blue. What would we do without you?" You scratched lightly under Blue's chin. Blue leaned into the touch. Her tail wagging.

'Cute' Josh thought as he watched You and Blue.

"Alright Blue and Y/N what do we need for chocolate chippie cookies?" Josh asked leaning on the bench and trying to see the list of ingredients partially covered by Blue's paw that rested on top of the recipe. 

"Ummm" Blue removed her paw from the recipe. "Butter,  Vanilla essence, and caster sugar." You read out loud for Josh and Blue to hear. 

"Butter, vanilla essence, and caster sugar" Josh repeated. He opened the fridge to get the butter.

"Vanilla... vanilla..." You said to yourself as you opened up the cupboards looking through each one. "VANILLA!" You said as you took the vanilla out of the cupboard and went over and placed it on the bench. 

"Next we need brown sugar, egg, and self-raising flour." Josh went to go and get the brown sugar but stopped right in his tracks. "Self-raising flour? You mean to tell me that flour has raised itself. Hm, must have been lonely." Josh's expression changed into a sad one. "Poor flour" he muttered as he slowly walked back over to the cupboard. You laughed. Josh spun around to face you with a look of shock. "Why are you laughing?! This is serious Y/N. The flour has never had a family or anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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