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Guys, this sucks so bad and its so short omg you have no idea, anyways I'm sorry for not updating in a while. Its summer so yeah. This storys almost over btw about six or less chapters :/ Idk if you guys will like the ending or not lolllll




I sit up dazed and confused, holding my head in my hand, loud barking coming from downstairs. I don't remember sending her a message. My head is buzzing, as I try to remember anything from last night. I shake my head, scrolling through my messages, letting them play back. My heart jumps, when I hear the message I sent her. Fucking hell. I'm never getting drunk again.

I groan, wishing Gemma's dog would shut the fuck up. My fingers fumble on the keyboard, as I lean against the headboard, pushing my hair out of my face.

Harry: I'm fine. I don't need to tell you anything. Bye.

I send the message not caring how rude I sounded. Honestly, I didn't ever want to see her again. I mean, yes I do lov-no I have deep feelings for her, but thats all gone and done with. I just need to move on. She doesn't want nothing to do with me and I don't want nothing to do with her. Thats the end of it. I just didn't need her to know about any of the feelings I ever had for her.

I get up from the bed, fumbling around, for my cane, when I find it I start moving forward, trying to memorize the pathways in Gemma's house, since I havn't been here in a while. I hope she hasn't changed around the furniture. I can still hear the barking once I make it downstairs, safely, when there's a knock on the door.


I furrow my eyebrows, waiting impatiently for Harry to reply. It had been three hours since I had sent the message to him. I had assumed he was drunk, when he sent the message about wanting to tell me something. Thats what scared me. Harry a blind fucktard being drunk. Eh, that just doesn't settle well in my stomach. I instantly freaked out and sent him the calmest reply I could think of, without coming off completely interested in what was going on with him, even though I wanted to know where he was at all times, because he was freaking me out.

I bite my lip, looking at myself in the mirror, my hand running across the bruise that went across my right eye and cheek. I looked awful. I looked dead and tired. Thats what I've felt like these past few days. I hear my phone beep, making my heart leap for joy, hoping it was Harry who had messaged me back.

Harry: I'm fine. I don't need to tell you anything. Bye.

I cringe at the hasty 'bye'. He was being cold hearted and just plain out rude to me still and I swear it hurts a lot more than the gigantic bruise on my face. He means a lot to me and he thinks I was faking being his friend all along. If it wern't for Shawn none of this would have ever happened. Out of all people I had the crazy ex.

I shake my head, grabbing my car keys and phone. I was going to find Harry and talk this out with him. I wasn't going to leave it like this. This has to be fixed.


I knock on the door, rocking on the balls of my feet, hearing footsteps from the other side. The door opens, revealing Anne's sweet face, as she smiles at me. " Oh, Georgie! So nice to see you!" I smile back, weakly and I think she notices. She frowns, touching my arm.

" Is Harry here?" I beat around the bush.( Lol bushhhhh) She shakes her head.

" No he's not, dear. He's actually at his sister, Gemma's house at the moment. Why?" She asked. I groan.

" I just need to talk to him. Can you please give me the address?" I ask, giving her my best smile. She smiles back, grabbing a pen and a note pad, scribbling down the address. She hands it to me. I grab it, quickly.

" Here ya go. Do you mind bringing him home?" she ask. I shake my head, smiling, giving her a quick hug.

" No I don't. I'll have him home soon." I say. If he will even come with me, without force. I run back to my car, hoping in.


I've been knocking on the door for about ten minutes, hearing a dog barking loudly inside. I didn't see not car outside, so I didn't even think they were home. His sister probably took him home.

I knock one last time, about to give up, when I hear footsteps. I freeze, my heart pounding. The door slowly opens, showing Harry's face. I take a small step back, clasping my hands together. " Hi." He gives me an emotionless face, knowing who I am.

" What are you doing here?"

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