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Tears fill my eyes when my mom tells me the news. I can't believe it. He's not coming. All this excitement for nothing. I just can't believe it. It will probably be two more years before I actually get to see him. My mom pulls me in for a hug, squeezing me tight. " Maybe you can call Louis and he can keep you some company. Maybe even make you feel better," My mom suggests, knowing how Louis somehow has the power to make me smile no matter the situation. I shrug, wiping my eyes. She smiles sadly, for me that is. He didn't want to see my mom and she didn't care. That's why he left because things just couldn't work anymore.

" Mom!" I wail. " I just don't understand why he couldn't come," I sob. She sighs, rubbing my back.

" He hates me. That's why," she whispers.  I look up at her in thought, before getting up and slipping on my grey Vans, grabbing my car keys.

" I'm going to go take a drive," I state, blankly, running out the front door, floral dress hiking up from the sudden wind. I hop in the car and start the engine, mind cluttered with thoughts. Maybe it is my mom's fault he isn't coming. Maybe she's right. Maybe it is all her fault. Does he even still love me? Am I the reason he doesn't want to come back?

I shake my head violently, pulling up into the driveway of the public library, with a sigh.


I have been sitting in the library for who knows how long, reading the same page over and over again. I just wanted to do something that would take my mind off the situation, but this wasn't helping. My head hurts and my eyes are stinging, from all the tears. I look up when I hear a light tapping and a loud thud. My eyes travel to Harry. My eyes brighten and I slam the book shut, picking up the item he knocked over. " Hey, Harry," I say, making him jump.

" Oh, hey Georgie?" He says, scratching his neck. I smile, patting his shoulder letting him know it was me, giggling. " What are you doing here?" He asks, frowning, obviously hearing my giggling. I shrug but remember he can't see me. Stupid.

        " Just here to clear my mind. It's a very quiet place, so it helps, but I really just need someone to talk to," I hint at him, wrapping my arms around myself. His head moves around as if being able to see.

" I-I could take you somewhere...if you want...ya know," He says, deep voice drawling out, making him appear way older than he is. 

        " That would be great!" I cheer, grabbing his hand. " I think there's a Frozen Yogurt shop down the street," I say, grabbing his hand and drag him out the local library. He follows behind me, as I carefully guide him down the street, making sure he doesn't trip on anything. We make it to the shop and walk in, the bells making a ringing noise. " We're here," I say, he lets go of my hand. I frown but quickly replace it with a smile.

        " Cool.... let's go sit down." He says, placing his stick on the ground and feeling around. His hand finds a table, stick still on the ground and he easily sits in the chair. I follow him, sitting right in front of him. There was an awkward silence for the longest, me tapping on my phone and Harry fiddling with his thumbs, biting his cherry red lips.

      " you want anything?" I say. He shakes his head, in an awkward way. " Do you dream with sight?" I ask, but regret it, wishing I could take the question back. His lips quirk up into a smile, making me feel relieved. He clasps his hands together.

        " Your the first to ask that," He says, leaning forward. " Well, I dream in the same way I experience things in my waking life, using sound and touch primarily to create images, which I assume my brain processes in similar ways to how yours processes images," He explains. Its honestly really interesting seeing life in a blind person point of view. It's not every day that you have a chance to ask these questions. 

" That's really interesting, " I say. " What's the hardest part about being blind?" I ask. He sighs, running a hand over his face and slipping off his sunglasses. The pigment in his eyes was surprisingly not faded to a silverish white as I would think. They were a bright forest green, almost crystal. They were stunning.

        " People always expect me to be much more limited on all my capabilities, due to my blindness," He explains. " I hate it," I frown, reaching out for his hand, but quickly recoil it, to my chest.

        " I think you can do anything you put your mind to," I say, smiling. His lips quirk up into a smile. I swear I have never seen anyone grin that big in my life.   

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