Chapter 4

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I'm doing the dishes while Ben sits in the living room playing when I hear the front door open. "Hey, I'm home!" Jim yells.

"In here!" I tell back. Jim comes around the corner and I see someone else beside him. "Oh, hey Luca!" I say as I dry the last dish.

"Hey." He responds. "Hope you don't mind but Luca here's gonna be staying with us for a bit." Jim says. "No, I don't mind at all."

"We're gonna have some fun!" Luca says and I laugh. "I'm sure we will but not tonight. I have school tomorrow and volleyball practice after that so Ben and I need to get to sleep so I'll see you two tomorrow. Goodnight." I say before heading to the living room to get Ben.

"Night, love you!" Jim yells.

The next morning, my alarm clock goes off making me groan. I hit the off button and throw the covers off me. I get ready for the day before walking over to Ben's crib. "Good morning sweet boy, time to get up for mommy." I say as he opens his eyes.

I get him up and ready for the day before heading downstairs to see the guys already ready to go.

"Good morning!" I chirp as I make my way into the kitchen, taking Jim's coffee and taking a drink. "Hey!" He protests.

"What?" I say cheekily before getting a sippy cup full of chocolate milk for Ben. "You ready to go?" Jim asks. "Yup." I say and grab mine and Ben's stuff before heading out the door.

We pull up to the school after dropping Ben off and I get out. "You're picking me up after practice, right?" I ask. "We sure are." Jim says before I wave goodbye to him and Luca.

It's nearing the end of 5th period and the teacher announces a surprise project that is due a week from today. She says that we will be responsible for getting it done outside of class, which makes us all groan.

The bell rings and I move to leave the classroom before I'm stopped by Jack. "Hey, I was wondering if I could maybe get your number?" I look at him shocked and he quickly tries to explain himself.

"I mean for the project, yeah for project purposes." He says. "You sure that's all it's for? Cause I wouldn't be opposed if it was something else." I say having no idea where this confidence is coming from.

"Maybe it is for something else, maybe it isn't. Guess you'll have to give me your number to find out." he shrugs. I laugh lightly before writing my number down an a piece of paper and giving it to him before making my way out of the classroom.

It's the end of the school day, which means it's time for the first volleyball practice of the season. I get changed out and get to warming up with the other girls. "So, I saw Jack freaking Garrett talking to you today. What was that about?" My friend on the team, Mickey, asks.

"He wanted my number for 'project purposes'." I say, using air quotes. "Girl, that way he was looking at you, he wants more than just to work on that project. He wants a piece of that ass!"

I laugh loudly before rolling my eyes. "I highly doubt that." I say. "Why?" Mickey asks. "He probably already knows about Ben or if he doesn't, he'll freak out when he does if he's even interested at all. No one our age wants to have to deal with a kid if they don't have to." I say.

"You may be right but I have a feeling you're wrong about this one." She says.

Practice is finally over and I can go home, take a shower, and see my baby. I walk out of the gym and to the parking lot, expecting to see Jim or Luca but instead, I see Rocker standing in front of one of the chargers, holding Ben.

"Hey Rocker! What are you doing here?" I ask as I run up to him.

"Well, the 20 David team got tied up with a raid so Street asked if I could pick you up and bring you to the station before I came in today."

"Well thanks for coming to get me, you didn't have to do that." I tell him as I give him a hug.

"Yeah well, you're in the S.W.A.T family now so all of us are going to take care of you and this little munchkin right here." He says as he pinches Ben's cheek before handing him to me to put him in the car.

*Jack's POV*

Reggie and I walk up to the parking lot after football practice, right as the volleyball team is getting out of the gym. I see Reggie look at something before he points.

"Hey, look, it's your little girlfriend." He says with a laugh. I punch his arm lightly before looking over in time to see her run to some guy holding a kid.

"Hey, is that her brother?" I ask. "No, not her brother, I have no idea who it is. But that's her kid he's holding." He tells me. "So, it's not the baby daddy?" I ask.

"No! Definitely way to old!" He exclaims. "Bro, do you think she's banging him?" he asks, giving me a look that looks like he just made a huge revelation.

"Um, I would hope not. He looks at least 30 and his shirt says swat, so he would definitely go to jail for something like that. And don't go saying something like that because there's a chance someone could hear that and start a rumor." I say.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll shut up now." He says before we watch Samantha take her son from the guy and get in the car with him.

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