Chapter 2

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*Samantha's POV*

It's been a few days since I got home from the hospital and Jim wants me to go to work with him to meet his team since it's the weekend and I don't have school. I get dressed before waking Ben up and getting him ready. I pack his diaper bag with all the things he might need for the day and head downstairs to meet Jim.

"We're ready to go." I say. "Okay, head to the car. I'll be ready in a minute." he says. I take Ben to the car and strap him in his car seat and a minute later Jim comes out. We get in the car and head towards the swat HQ.

I walk in behind Jim with Ben on my hip looking around at everything with wide eyes. "This place is so cool." I say and Jim turns around, now walking backwards. "I know, right. Now let's take you two to meet everyone." He says before turning back around. We get to a room that looks like a kitchen and see his team as well as two other guys in there.

"Hey guys, look who I brought." Jim says and everyone looks over. "Hey, Little Street! Even Littler Street!" Hondo says. I already know most of their names because Jim has showed me pictures and he talks about them a lot.

"Hey." I say shyly.

"Hey, little dude. What's your name?" One of the guys that I don't know asks my son. "Ben." He says quietly before hiding his face in my shoulder, making all of us laugh.

After a while of talking, I get to know everyone and learn that the other twos' names are Rocker and Mumford. I feel like I could be really good friends with all of these guys.

*A week later*

We're all at Deacon's house for a little get together. Luca runs and stands on top of a little wall beside the patio and addresses everyone. "Normally we give these to the jackass of the month, but this one is for jackass of the year! Get up here and accept the jackass award Hondo! For making a crazy shot out of that helicopter." He finishes and Hondo gets up with a roll of his eyes.

After that it's time for food so I get some for Ben and myself before sitting down next to Chris and Annie. "Luca, I need my kid back for a little bit." I say. He sighs before saying, "But he was having so much fun with his uncle Luca!"

"You can play with him after he eats." I say. He huffs again before handing Ben to me. I get him to eat some fries and a little bit of a cut up hotdog before he's back off to play with Luca and the other kids.

"So Sam...." Chris trails off. "Any boys lately?" Annie finishes. "There better not be." Jim says as he comes up and steals a bite out of my hamburger. "Dude! And just so you know, I'm not gonna stay single forever. I'll have a boyfriend eventually, and there'll be nothing you can do about it." I tell him.

"We'll see about that." He says before stuffing his mouth with a French fry from my plate in his mouth and walking away. "Back to our question..." Chris says trying to get the conversation back on topic.

"I don't know. There is this really cute new kid who's in my chemistry class." I say and the two women squeal, which gets us weird looks from all the guys around us.

"Shush, keep it down. I don't want all the guys knowing. Then they would have to have 'a talk' with him!" I say. "Can you at least tell us the kid's name?" Chris asks.

"His name is Jack." I say.

Conversation goes like that for a while before Ben comes running up to me, looking quite tired. "Hey buddy, you tired?" I ask him, to which I only get a nod. "Well, I'm going to round up Jim but I'll talk to you guys later, okay?" I say.

"Yeah, of course. We'll see you later." Annie says.

I get Jim and we leave, heading straight for home. When we get there, I put Ben down for the night before heading back to the living room. "Movie night, what do you want to watch?" Jim asks as he sits down with the popcorn.

"Uh, how about IT?" I say. "Sure." He responds. We get the movie on and I sit beside him, stealing the popcorn.

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