5- cycle

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-Ellie's POV, the next morning-

I woke up to the familiar feeling of somebody stabbing me in the lower abdomen, but this time worse than normal. Hunching over, I waddled to the bathroom and sorted myself out.

While attempting to search for some pain relief potion in the bathroom cabinet, a new wave of excruciating discomfort washed over me.

I moaned in pain, holding my stomach and sitting down. Mattheo walked into the bathroom and stared at me in a crumpled heap on the floor.

"Ellie are you okay?? What happened?"
"I got my period" I groaned.
"Oh... can I get you anything?"
"Pain relief potion and some food, quick" I said and he nodded and left.

While he was gone, I felt very sad and lonely so I started crying. Why the hell am I crying? My cousin and friends are one room away!

He came back to me with a plate of some hot and some cold food, also chocolate and a vial of strong pain relief potion. He sat next to me and put an arm around me, as I swallowed the strawberry flavoured medicine. Without another thought, I crawled into Mattheo's lap and curled up.

Taking a deep breath, I started eating and it wasn't long before I'd devoured the whole plate and the bar of chocolate and started crying.

He stroked my hair. "Why are you crying?"

I said through pointless tears. "Because I'm already bloated and now I'm going to look like a whale"

I sobbed into my hands and he rocked me, seemingly confused about what to do.

"You're not a whale, Ellie" he said softly. "Do you want me to get Theo?"

"No, I want to go back to bed" I said and he swiftly picked me up off the floor and carried me back into the dorm, gently putting me down on his bed.

"Thank you" I kissed him on the cheek and got under the blankets, falling back to sleep almost immediately.

-a few hours later-

I woke up, the smell of Mattheo in my nose. Looking around, the dorm room was empty, except Enzo still somehow asleep.

I rolled myself out of Mattheo's bed, reluctantly deciding to be a normally functioning human. I put on a warm oversized jumper and some sweatpants because no way in hell am I wearing jeans today.

Slowly, I made my way downstairs to the common room where I found Theo, Mattheo, and Draco all talking.

Draco had surprisingly taken the news of Blaise dying very well. He's just joined our group instead.

Thankfully, that meant that Draco was moving into Blaise's old bed and I got a bed for myself which I was very excited about.

"Hey Ellie!" Mattheo smiled and my heart almost flew out of my chest. When he properly smiled, his cute little dimples showed and it was just... ugh SO CUTE.

"Hi Mattheo, hey Theo" I smiled, sitting next to them. Mattheo handed me more pain relief which I gratefully took.

"My mum said we should get together this summer, Theo. And you should come Mattheo! My mum would love to meet you."
"Are you sure? My dad is literally Voldemort"
"Yes, she doesn't care. If I trust you, she trusts you."

Hours passed in comfortable conversation, until the pain relief wore off and I'd just about forgotten how horrific my cramps were today.

I audibly groaned and hunched over into a ball.
"What?" I snapped at him.
"Are you alright?"
"Does it fucking look like I'm alright?" I rolled my eyes at Theo and forced myself back to the dorm.

I felt a little bad for snapping at him but I couldn't help it.

-about an hour later-

"Who is it"
"And Mattheo"
"Come in" I sat up in bed, using a quick spell to fix my hair.

"Are you okay now?" Theo asked.
"Yeah sorry"
"I wanted to ask!" Mattheo complained so I threw a pillow at him.
"I decided to meet my dad" I announced.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I need to meet him. I'm going to write back."

I pulled a piece of paper and an envelope from my nightstand.

'To Sirius,

Hello. I'm Ellie Delvaux, your daughter. Thank you for reaching out. I'm not sure about a relationship with you yet but I would like us to meet, if that's okay. If yes, please meet me on the bridge tonight at 9:30 pm.

Ellie <3'

I wrote his name on the front and gave it to Theo's owl since I don't have one.

"Ill go with you" said Mattheo.
"No, I will" said Theo.
"Stop arguing idiots. Mattheo you can tag along if you want. Theo, you're coming whether you like it or not" I said, rolling my eyes at their childish behaviour.

-8:55 pm-

"I'm starting to regret my decision" I said.
"We don't have to go, Ellie" Theo said.
"What if he doesn't like me?"
"I'm sure he will"
"How can you be sure?" He went silent.

I put on a tshirt and leggings with my trainers and we started walking to the bridge, my nerves slowly getting the best of me. Mattheo reassuringly took my hand, squeezing it softly.

Theo glared at him but I gave him a look and he stopped. We got to the bridge and I saw a dark figure standing there. My breathing sped up as we got closer.

"Ellie? Is that you?" Came a voice from the figure.
He ran out of the dark and I saw it was him. He ran over to me and hugged me. The hug was soft, gentle. Mattheo and Theo stood either side of me.

I hugged back, enjoying the gentle embrace.

"I'm so happy you wanted to come" I said, smiling.
"Why wouldn't I? Oh, you're just as beautiful as I remember" he said, holding my shoulders and smiling brightly at me. The tears welling in my eyes clearly showed because he hugged me again. "Don't cry, Ellie" he put his wand to my head and muttered a charm and memories of him came flooding into my head.

"W...what? I remember you..." I mumbled and he nodded.
"Before I left, I had to obliviate your memories of me for your own benefit. But I've brought them back now and now we can be a family again!" He said with delight. Theo put a reassuring hand on my arm as I replayed the memories in my head.

"Who's this you're with?" He asked, looking at the boys behind.
"This is my cousin Theodore, and my.... friend Mattheo." I explained.

He nodded and groaned. "I'm so so sorry Ellie, I have to go, but I'll write and I'll see you again, I promise" he said and I nodded, hugging him before he disapparated.

I stood in shock for a minute, comprehending what just happened.

"Are you okay Ellie?" Theo said. I didn't reply, just turned around and started crying. He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest.
"Lets go back" Mattheo said and I nodded, walking back to the castle with them. Halfway there, Mattheo picked me up and carried me back. I clung tightly onto him.

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 • ☆ 𝐀 𝐒𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 ☆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin