Scorch and Sev bantered a lot throughout the trip. 

"Try not to burn your hair off, Scorch." Sev said. "Again."

"Oh quiet Sev, why don't ya keep being mysterious and broody and stop bringing up something that happened once!"

"07, 62, quiet on the chatter." Fixer said. He used his comrades numbers. Odd. He is pretty uptight.

"At this point Fixer, you gotta start getting used to it." Boss said, chuckling. 

"Yeah Fixer, stop being such a stickler for the rules." Scorch said nudging Fixer.

"I'll stop when you stop breaking them." Fixer protested back.

"Oh get that stick outta your ass." Sev grumbled. 

Fixer shook his head, held out his fist. A wrist blade popped out, covered in oil and blood. Fixer took out a rag and started cleaning it. 

"So, we heard you got called up by your Council for some reprimanding." Scorch said. 

I nodded. "Yeah. They don't really notice your achievements, and more focus more on what you did wrong." 

Boss nodded. "We had Fixer find your report and slice into it. Lightning, huh. Sounds useful." 

Sev grunted. "Nah, sounds badass." 

I grinned. "I agree."

"You also got quite the background on you." Boss continued. "Defeated Count Dooku and then proceeded to destroy the entire Citadel by ripping it from the Earth? And going undercover in the Death Watch? Impressive." 

"Same for you guys." I told him. "Your behind the scenes job during the first battle of Geonosis. Saved a lot of lives." 

"Took a lot of them to." Sev said. "Geonosian blood everywhere." He sounded like he wanted to go back to that day.

"We should focus. What's our mission details." I asked. 

Boss nodded. "Right. So, there's a rebellion on Onderon against the Separatists. If all goes to plan, we track the remaining droid forces to a fortress on Agamar, where a bounty hunter who started getting close to Dooku is going to meet them. Thing is we don't know where the fortress  is. But it's a long way to Agamar, so if the rebellion drives back those forces, we follow that ship, and destroy the fortress." 

"Ok, how many are on this mission to take down an entire fortress?" I asked

"Five." Scorch said, cracking his knuckles. 

Just us. If I do good on this mission, all should be forgiven with the council. Taking down one of Dooku's henchman and an entire fortress with it? I'd be congratulated.

"Sounds like enough to me." I grinned. 

"Approaching Agamar." Our pilot said. We all stood up. The commandos checked their gear for the seventh time. Wrist blades sharpened, grenades stocked up, rifles loaded. "Ah, I see the droid ships. There's a lot. Plus the ones already at the fortress. You boys sure you got this?" 

"Shut up and fly." Sev said.

The pilot followed the ships all the way to the fortress . 

"They have turrets. This isn't gonna be easy." The pilot saying as he opened the doors of the gunship. It looked like we were gonna have to jump from above. The gunship charged at the fortress, weaving past turret blasts. Once we were right over the fortress, we jumped. The gunship took a couple hits since it was hovering and not moving. "Hurry!" The pilot yelled. 

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