"Alright" The oldest looking auror, and the one in charge, said "you two take Lockhart to St Mungo's, keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't escape. I will interview Mr Potter, contact me if anything happens"

"You got it boss" The aurors nodded and picked Lockhart up using a levitation charm

"Also, you may want to check between his legs" Harry suggested

"Why would we do that?" The lead auror asked

"I was very annoyed" Was Harry's answer "very annoyed, I also have feet. Not a good combination" the other two aurors shared a brief glance before they took Lockhart away

"Now Mr Potter" The remaining auror said to Harry

"Excuse me" Dumbledore interrupted "but can I ask what is happening?"

"Did you not know?" The auror looked surprised, he then turned to Harry

"They would've taken too long and I don't have the patience to explain it to everyone twice" Harry said

"Fine" The auror turned to Dumbledore "Mr Potter had contacted us and told us that Lockhart tried to rape him"

"What?!" The staff burst out in shock

"Well he didn't succeed" Harry shrugged "you can tell because he still has balls...though I can't promise that they work now"

"Mr Potter, perhaps you should tell us what happened" Dumbledore said, even thought it was more of a command than a suggestion

"I didn't know you were an auror?" Harry raised an eyebrow

"I am not an auror" Dumbledore replied

"Then I don't really have to tell you anything"

"I am the headmaster of this school" Dumbledore pointed out "and when it comes to matters of student safety, I have the right to..."

"Alright, alright, Merlin you drone on" Harry rolled his eyes "anyway, I am telling the auror over here, and if he wants to tell you then fine. Let's go Mr Auror" Harry gestured and the auror followed him out of the room

"What's up?" Harry asked as he sat down next to Delphi the next day at breakfast

"The fuck is this?!" Delphi gestured to the newspaper in her hand

"It's a newspaper Delphi, you see newspapers are used for..."

"I know what a newspaper is!" Delphi snapped "What I mean is why does the headline say 'Harry Potter breaks Lockhart's balls during attempted rape'?"

"I believe that's because I broke his balls when he attempted to rape me" Harry said as he piled some food on his plate while leaving out the usual portion for Shadow who jumped off his shoulder and started eating

"Harry!" Daphne and Tracy sat down opposite him "Are you alright?!" Daphne asked

"Well, I'm a little tired and today is a Monday so I have to deal with McGonagall and I don't look forward to that" Harry shrugged

"Harry! Lockhart tried to rape you!" Tracy exclaimed "And you're acting like it doesn't bother you!"

"You've seen me in the Slytherin common room, do you think Lockhart of all people would be a threat to me?" Harry looked at the three of them like they were idiots. Tracy and Daphne took a moment to look at each other and communicate without talking in a way that only best friends can

"Fair point" They said before they gave him a smile and walked back to the Slytherin table

"What actually happened?" Delphi asked

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