Chapter II

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"Hello, Fam!" The Doctor shouts as she heads over to them.

She puts her hand near the miniatures, and Octavius hugs one of her fingers, while Jedediah fist bumps another. Adric runs up behind the Doctor and smiles. He has changed back into his normal Alzarian outfit now that he is not in school. He has missed his friends. Larry hands Octavius and Jedediah to the boy, knowing that Adric was really good friends with them. Adric was the one that called the miniatures the most after all. And of course, Octavius and Jedediah want to gossip.

"Did you finally ask out the boy you have a crush on?" Octavius asks, genuinely curious.

"Yes I did, and he said yes!" Adric replies.

"What was his name again?" Jedediah questions.

"Vislor Turlough jr-"

"Your dating Turlough's kid? Turlough is on Earth?" The Doctor all but shouts from 10 feet away.

"Doctor, remember when Nyssa and I told you that an old friend lives near us in Australia? That friend is Turlough." Tegan says, taking Nyssa's hand.

Yaz takes the Doctor's hand just before she starts to screech in frustration, to calm her down a little. Or maybe just to shut up the Doctor. Adric shakes his head and continues to walk and talk with the miniatures.


It was a good thing that Nicky brought his hoverboard. Adric was using it to follow the miniatures as they drove all around the museum in their car, Rexy following behind the three of them. The pure look of joy on their faces made everyone in the museum smile. Larry, Nicky, and Tilly were having a conversation with The Doctor and Yaz. Sacajawea and Teddy were talking to Tegan and Nyssa.


Ahkmenrah had found the karaoke machine that was stored away in the closet. They were currently halfway through singing "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" with Attila. The two of them seemingly having the time of their lives. Dexter is sitting there with a shit-eating grin on his face, making Larry think that he had helped Ahkmenrah find the karaoke machine. There was a reason why Larry had hidden it in the first place. Octavius and Jedediah were dancing, while the Tardis family stood off in the corner. They all felt a little awkward around everyone else.


Very soon would be sunrise. As everyone heads back to their displays, Larry shows the Tardis family back to the loading dock. He waves goodbye to them as they enter the Tardis. And then he takes his leave. Nicky would be leaving a little later after lock up, but as Larry was no longer the night guard, he didn't have to stay for that.

Once they were inside the Tardis, Yaz heads off to her and the Doctor's room, very tired. Nyssa heads off to the lab, wanting to examine some of the grass in Sacajawea's display. Even though she was 60 now, she was still an excellent scientist and always willing to do research. Tegan, Adric, and the Doctor all head to the kitchen to make some dinner, Tegan and the Doctor plan on bringing the food to their wife and girlfriend respectively. They decide to just make simple sandwiches and salad. Adric takes it upon himself to make lemonade for the first time. He doesn't do that badly other than getting lemon juice on the floor, and the Doctor slipping and falling in it. After Adric mops up the mess, he, the Doctor, and Tegan take the food to their rooms. And then everyone falls asleep for the day.

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