Chapter II

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When they entered the Tardis, they were shocked. It looked different on the inside than what they were thinking. It didn't look like the inside of a normal phone booth, and it was bigger on the inside.

"So, we can go anywhere and whenever you two want to go! But, I think that you two need to get more normal clothes, so you could fit in better. I have a room with outfits that you can change into." The Doctor informs them.

She leads the two of them to a room that has a lot of outfits, a big portion of them looking like costumes. She leaves, allowing them to find outfits that would suit them.


The Doctor is sitting in the control room waiting for the two no longer miniatures. She starts to pace around when she hears her phone ringing.

"Hello!" She says into the phone cheerfully.

"Where the hell are you, Doctor?" Yaz replies, panicking in her voice.

"I'm in the Tardis, what is going on, why do you sound worried?"

"It's the Dalek's, there back, back in London. Doctor, we need your help!"

"I'll be right there Yaz, and I'll bring two new people with me."

Yaz hangs up the phone, and the Doctor starts to run around the Tardis, getting it ready to take off. At this point, the two no longer miniatures enter the control room. Octavius is dressed in a gray sweater, deep red skirt, gray boots, and black tights. Jedediah is dressed in a cyan button up, pale blue jeans, brown sneakers, and a brown Stetson.

"What's going on Doctor?" Octavius questions.

"We are headed to London, my other companions need help. An old enemy has come back and we need to stop them." The Doctor responds.

"Who is it?" Jedediah asks.

"The Daleks. I don't know how we are going to stop them, but we need to."


As the Tardis lands in London, The Doctor, Octavius, and Jedediah spill out of it right away. The Doctor had gotten her two companions caught up on who the Daleks were and why they needed to be stopped. The three of them rush off to the British Museum, the Doctor remembering now that is where the others said they would be going. They were already close to the museum, so they didn't run into any Daleks. They run inside the building to find Yaz, Graham, and Ryan. The three of them were standing near the Pompeii diorama. When they see the Doctor, Octavius, and Jedediah, Yaz runs to the Doctor and gives her a hug.

"Where are they, Yaz?" The Doctor questions as she pulls out of the hug.

"They are near Buckingham Palace, someone announced on the speakers. They told us to stay in here because it might be safer." Yaz replies quickly.

"Well the six of us can't, we have to stop them. Anyways before we go I should introduce you to these two. Octavius and Jedediah meet Yaz, Graham, and Ryan. Yaz, Graham, and Ryan meet Octavius and Jedediah." The Doctor says pointing all of them out.

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