Mr Reed is a massive cu-

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Yusuf is a little kid in my form. He's 12, just, and he's almost been excluded permanently. Many say he's a naughty kid, I just think he's misunderstood. I'm one of two teachers that can keep him calm. That sounds like I'm bragging but I'm really not. There's something up with that child and I have to figure it out.

"Yusuf, what are you doing?" I asked, already knowing what would come out his mouth.

"Mr Reed is a cunt so I walked out. What are you doing Mr Farouk?"

"Taking you to my classroom. And don't call people cunts, not in school anyways."

"But he is."

"I get that, but you have to quit with the swearing thing." I spoke as we walked down the corridor and into my room.

Yusuf walked around the chairs and tables a few times before sitting down at one.

"What happened exactly? Did he say anything to you?"

"He kept saying I was dumb for not getting it. I'm not dumb, just dyslexic.

"I've spoke to him about this before, do you want me to tell him again?" I groaned slightly.

"No point."

"How can I sort it out then? Because you can't walk out every time you have an English lesson, that's five hours a week you're missing."

"I don't care." He shrugged.

"You have to care up until you're sixteen, then you can get an apprenticeship or something."

Yusuf sat in silence for a few minutes. He's known for that, arguing his way out of murder and then going mute. I reckon he's autistic, better bring it up to his dad.

"You can stay here, just until I talk to Reed. He can't say stuff like that to anyone, especially not a dyslexic kid." I shook my head a few times.

Yusuf nodded. Then he started chewing on his nails. I'm a victim of this too, and I try to save him from the trouble of bleeding fingers.

"Stop biting your nails. You'll mess them up for life." I tapped his hand with a small stare.

He pulled away from me and curled up in the back corner of my room. Definitely autistic.

"Yusuf, please. Your finger is literally bleeding." I sighed softly, walking over with a plaster.

That's when he burst into tears.

"Oh- oh kid, don't worry, you're okay." I tried to comfort him.


"Can I do anything?"

I had knelt down to him at this point, my better judgment saying to keep my hands to myself.

He pulled me so I was sat next to him, then he leaned on my arm. I'd like to say my shoulder, give the sense he's at least taller than 5,0", but he's not. He's no taller than 4,9".

"What's wrong?" I asked in a quieter tone than normal.


Big, Little and Tiny Sef <3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon