Chapter 2: The Birth of Flower!

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"Yamato and Tokuma escort my daughter back to Yamanaka compound and stay next to Ino's side. All of you are to stand guard for other kids, and take them to the hospital to have them checked out" the Inoichi ordered, receiving a 'Hai' before they disappeared.

"Um.. Sir, your daughter gonna be ok?" The boy with sunglasses named Shino asked, only witnessing the part where Ino collapsed. The Yamanaka clan head sighed. He didn't know how much of that he saw, but he'd have to go out on a limb.

"She'll be fine. your name is Shino right?" Inoichi said and young Shino nodded

"Ok, I'll be go-" Inoichi was cut off as a brown long-haired man with sunglasses came barreling towards him.

"Shino-sama, are you ok?" the man says panted.

"Ah, Muta-san, glad your here. Shino is fine, but, as you can see so far, your cousin saw it. Sit down, and I'll explain everything," the Inoichi said, gesturing for the man to sit.

"What about the-" Muta shut up, remembering that Shino was there with him.

"Like I said, I'll explain it all" the Yamanaka clan head said, truth on the spot to tell them everything.


Ino was on her bed, staring at ceiling. She got off and headed to the background then decided running around for at least 2 minutes.

A few days passed and Ino usually run around the backyard for 3-5 minutes. That's all she could do as of now. Before lunch, she decided to run around the backyard again, and noticed that Tokuma her nanny watched me from a distance, but Ino ignored him.


13-year old boy named Tokuma sighed, taking long strides towards the assigned destination. The mission scroll says he has to babysit some kid for a few hours until her mom arrives. Finding missing pets and weeding garden seem to be more interesting than this now.

He arrived at the given address. It was in the Yamanaka district. The house was modest. Tokuma walked over the stone pavement and stood in front of the main door. He knocked softly at the door with his knuckles. Soon he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. The door opened, revealing a middle-aged man. He smiled and gestured him to come inside.

"Hello ninja-san, I am Inoichi Yamanaka. Thank you for accepting my request to look after my daughter" The man said, guiding him towards the living room.

"Hello sir, I am Tokuma Hyuga. Serving the citizens of Konoha is our duty" He said as internally screaming at Muta sensei for assigning him a boring mission.

"You are very dedicated Tokuma-Kun. Please have a seat, I will get you some tea" Inoichi said

Before Tokuma could refuse, he left the room to fetch tea. Tokuma sat down on the cushion near the low table, examining the interior of the room. The room wasn't cluttered or filled with furniture too much. Most of the furniture was usually low, modern, laconic and there were floor cushions. There were few antic pieces and a couple of indoor plants. The large window provided a decent amount of sunlight in the room. There was a corner table, a family picture was placed on it. He got up and walked up to the table. After examining the photograph, he recognized Inoichi-san, a woman standing beside him, probably his wife holding her belly by one hand while other hand is Inoichi's hand.

"Dammit, am I supposed to look after a baby? I don't wanna be here." Tokuma cursed under his murmured

"I am not a baby and I don't want you here either." Ino said

Ino Yamanaka: Jinchuriki of Isobu, the Giant TurtleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ