Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

A determined Sirius had also wrought some concessions from the ministry. "Amelia and I were adamant that we be there at the end. We all want to be certain Voldemort really does pass away this time."

Agreeing with her soon to be husband, Amelia still couldn't control the shiver that ran down her back. "I watched him die in Hogwarts, swearing revenge on the entire country, only for his spirit to leave Quirrell's body. I still can't make my mind up if Harry then telling that spirit to fuck off was the bravest or dumbest thing I've ever seen. This Tom though bears only a physical resemblance to that screaming psychopath."

With his arm comfortingly around Amelia, Sirius gave them details of what the ministry had put in place. "They sit in a mirrored room, being able to see each other as they chat away. It also means they can both see whoever is talking to them. They're really happy with this set up, and no one can see the point in telling them they will get sick healers have never really dealt with a situation like this before so everything is their best guess. That best guess is currently predicting that neither of them will see Valentine's Day. We'll then know for certain if this really is all over."

"How much of that can people be told?" Luna's question left Amelia, Sirius and Remus wondering why she asked that. The two marauders were really intrigued, more so by everyone else sniggering while waiting on Amelia's answer. When Luna filled them in on what she'd suggested last night, laughter was once more breaking out around the room.

Amelia thought that really was an elegant solution, one she really favoured but with a couple of provisos. "That's great, Luna, but can we tweak it slightly. Anything you heard from me will of course be an unnamed 'ministry source'. Can you also hold off sending that for one more day? After Sirius and I get to Black Island, I don't care what the papers say…"

She found herself being interrupted by a grinning Sirius. "Though I want you to keep us copies of those papers for when we get back. Hey Moony, doesn't it warm your heart to see the marauders' legacy passing to the next generation?"

"Padfoot, Luna's prank is way better than anything we came up with. At the height of our fame, we managed to prank the entire castle. In one fell swoop, Luna's going to prank the entire country." Seeing his best man smiling again was all the cue Sirius needed to turn the attention onto tomorrow's wedding, something neither the bride nor groom thought would ever happen. That just meant though that Sirius, Amelia and their families would enjoy the occasion even more.


With plans provisionally made for the six younger members of the group to spend the next few days with the Dursleys, followed by everyone bringing in the New Year at the Grangers, Harry and Hermione knew this would be their last night snuggling together until they returned to Hogwarts. The only portion of their families' plans that were provisional was the pencilling in of Amanda's presence - and her father being invited to spend New Year with them in Crawley - none of which would affect their sleeping arrangements.

"Do you really think people will buy into Luna's fiction."

Knowing it was really reassurance Harry was looking for, a gentle kiss was placed on his lips before Hermione answered. "Luna is taking some facts and constructing a story around them. That her story actually contains these facts already puts her ahead of some of the rubbish printed in the Prophet - and their crap stories are taken as gospel. Luna is also telling them things they'll want to believe, the magical population of Britain will eat it up with a spoon. Wanna bet it will be the official version of events by the time we head back to Hogwarts?"

"Nuts, they're all bloody nuts. Where does this leave us though?" Feeling the flash of panic that passed through Hermione at his poor choice of words, Harry returned her tender kiss from earlier. "Sorry for how that sounded. Whatever we decide, we will move on together. You promised to be mine, in the past, present and future - I have every intention of holding you to that."

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