Bram and Ericka Van Helsing Dracula

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Ericka was PREGNANT NOW WITH ONE BABY BOY!! "WHY IS ERICKA PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said Dracula. "This is why captain Ericka is pregnant." Said Mavis

Ericka and Mavis enter the hospital for the baby boy."Just breathe and push" said Mavis. The newborn baby started crying and Ericka said "No no no! Don't cry my baby boy!" Dracula said "YA SEE? Now that's a cute kid!!" In Ericka's hands was a newborn baby (the same one as in Hotel Transylvania 1) swaddled in a blue blanket. Well this is good job for Dracula.I love you Dracula Bram Ericka and Mavis now.

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