Arlo looked over to Eli who was sat next to her in the back. "Why aren't you sitting up front?"

   Eli nodded towards the passenger seat where Demetri was sitting. "He basically pulled me out of the car when we got to his house."

   Arlo laughed at Demetri who was fixing his hair in the mirror of the sun visor and singing to the song blaring on the radio. She rested her head against the window for the rest of the drive to the school.


   The three friends walked into the school, Eli and Arlo loosely holding each other's hand. It was the first day of sophomore year and Arlo was already dreading the next ten months. A few days before her, Eli, and Demetri had all compared schedules to see what classes they had together. They had one class with the three of them together. Eli and Arlo had almost the exact same schedule, thankfully.

   The only class the three had together was later in the day so they made an agreement to meet up together at lunch. Eli and Arlo walked towards their lockers which were next to each other. 

   The first bell rang, and Eli and Arlo started walking towards their first period class. The two of them turned down a hallway and saw her brother, Kyler and the other 'popular' kids standing against some lockers. The girl's body tensed up, but she kept walking, not looking over at the group of kids crowding the hall. They almost made it passed the group but someone stuck their foot out causing Arlo to trip and fall onto the floor. 

   "Fuck." She muttered under her breath while Eli was helping her up.

   "Oops, I didn't see you there." Kyler laughed and looked around at all of his friends, who were all laughing as well, except for Asher. 

   "Asshole." Arlo scoffed while her and Eli walked away.


   Eli, Arlo, and Demetri walked towards an empty table in the middle of the cafeteria and they all set their trays down. When they were all sat in their chairs, Arlo slid her pudding cup across the table towards Demetri. Her eyes trailed off towards the back of the cafeteria and saw her brother, Kyler and their group shaking the vending machine, she rolled her eyes.

   "Why thank you, M'lady." Demetri said using his horrible British accent. Shoveling a spoonful of chocolate pudding into his mouth.

   "Just because you keep speaking in that accent, doesn't mean it's getting any better." Arlo said while poking a straw into the juice box on her tray, causing Eli to slightly laugh. 

   Demetri took a sip of his Yoo-hoo while putting his hand to his chest dramatically. "That may be the most insulting thing you've ever said to me." Eli and Arlo started laughing at Demetri.

UNDENIABLE ~ ( Eli Moskowitz )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz