9) I love it

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Sophie POV

"I'm very sorry that you two weren't assigned a proper dormitory."Professor Lee apologies.

"It's okay."Kitty and I say at the same time.

"Oversights like this don't often happen at KISS.I understand that as new students it can be scary to speak up, which is why Min Ho so kindly alerted us to your egregious rooming mishap."Professor Lee hands Kitty our file.

"He's just so selfless, isn't he?"I ask with a forced smile.

I'm so using his hand cream before I go.

"I'm sure you two and your assigned roommate will become fast friends.You're dismissed."he says and we thank him before walking out.

"I hope our roommate is clean."I sigh and stretch.

"I'm sure she's going to be wonderful."Kitty nods to herself.

We grab our packed bags (not before using a good amount of Min ho's hand cream.He's so selfless, he won't mind:) ) and walked to our new room.

"Here goes nothing."Kitty says and opens our door.

The room is dark, dirty and smells.

"What the..."Kitty whispers

"fuck"I finish and look over at our new roommate who's too busy playing video games to acknowledge us.

She says something to us but I decide to let Kitty handle this is I'm about to flip.

Deep breaths Sophie, deep breaths.

"Kitty!"I shouts and she runs out.

"What are we going to do? We can't stay here! I can't stay here!"I run a hand through my hair.

"It'll be fine....It'll be fine."Kitty whispers.

The first night was hell but luckily I had a pair of ear plugs left, that at least got me a bit of sleep.

A few days days later a tissue hits Kitty and I while we were sitting on her bed and I totally lost it.

I walked up to her computer and stuffed the tissue into her drink.

"You ever throw any of your rubbish at me or in my space or at Kitty again. I will set everything you love on fire and make sure all the progress of your little game is gone forever, got it?"I ask and she quickly nods.

Least to say a tissue didn't touch me again.

"Please, you have to help us."Kitty and I ask professor Finnerty after we hunted him down in the corridors.

"I understand that the living situation may be a little bit difficult."he reply's.

"Professor Finnerty, have you ever seen a Jenga tower of pizza boxes?"I ask and Kitty nods.

"Have you ever smelt a Jenga tower of pizza boxes?"she asks.

"Actually—"he starts but I stop him.

"You are our resident advisor.Isn't there anything you can do?"I ask with a desperate look.

"Sorry, guys, but the girls' dorm is completely full."he apologizes.

"We can't sleep. We can't study." I start.

"And I can't get the mozzarella out of the carpet.I'll fail all of my classes."Kitty's voice trembles.

I pat her back and frown.

I'm still somewhat coping but Kitty is truly suffering.

"There's always the library."he smiles and we just stare at him.

Shadow of you, Min Ho (XOKitty)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang