Chapter 33

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With Ragnhild having received a burial, her burnt body lying somewhere at the bottom of the sea, there was now the matter of the colony. Zyrah wasn't quite ready to leave the island yet, though she couldn't explain why.

"We can't stay here." Hiccup said, "As much as I want to."

"I feel that we can't just... leave them." Zyrah protested. She was worried for their safety. What could happen if they left?

"They have each other. And I think they have a new alpha who can protect them." Astrid offered as she watched Blueheart's mother become surrounded by other Night Furies.

"I know..."

"Listen, only we know the location of their colony. They'll be safe as long as we keep it safe!" Fishlegs assured in confidence. The riders had always remained loyal to protecting dragons, even going as far as to destroy two Dragon Eyes, the best sources of knowledge on the world of dragons they carried to date. It was a cause they were dedicated to, and this would be no different.

As the riders discussed their next action plan, the Night Furies looked to their new Alpha. Vorri had the same skills and capabilities as her late mate, so she was more than capable of leading her colony. However, she had a personal matter to deal with first.

She knew her daughter and apparently new son-in-law would soon depart with their friends and riders.

Off to the side, the dragons stood in a circle, quietly conversing with each other. Blueheart seated right next to Toothless, lowering her head under Toothless's, savoring the feeling of hearing the hum of his vocal cords. It was deeply comforting.

Vorri made her way over, coming up behind her daughter and nudging her shoulder.

Sweetheart, before you go... Vorri began, taking a seat next to Blueheart.

What is it, Mom? Blueheart replied, turning to face her. Vorri then faced the other dragons with a smile on her face.

Well, first off, I want to thank all of you for being such wonderful friends to my daughter.

Oh well, she's the best! Killgrave assured with enthusiasm, winking at Blueheart, who just rolled her eyes.

Truly, I mean it. It means the world to me. And Ryvir, Toothless perked his ears up hearing his new mother-in-law call him by his birth name, which felt a bit weird, but he didn't mind it.

I know I can trust you to take care of her. Toothless scoffed a bit.

Frankly, she'll be taking care of me.

We'll both be taking care of each other. Blueheart corrected with a slight eye roll.

"Blueheart!" Came Zyrah's voice from behind the dragons.

"C'mon, Dusk!"

"Stormfly!" The other riders called for their dragons, knowing it was time to leave.

"Toothless! C'mon, bud!" Hiccup called out. Just as Toothless was about to follow him, Vorri held him back momentarily.

Is everything okay?

Yes, yes, everything is fine. But... I sense something in my daughter.

Huh? You sense something? He echoed in confusion, what do you mean?

I know you're still grappling with this... relearning who you are. But there's something important you ought to know about us females.

And that is?

She's going to more than likely become more easily agitated and restless in the coming weeks. I'm sure your female friends will be familiar.

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