On the shore

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A/N: KimTay sequel no one asked for😅 be warned smut ahead🔞😜




"Can you sing that again for me?"

"I will, only if you sing with me."

"I am a terrible singer," Tay shrugged.

"I know," Kim replied chuckling to which he recieved a glare from Tay.

Kim started singing and few minutes later Tay also joined him. Two voices sang harmoniously in the middle of the night with the moon and waves accompanying them.

"You have a beautiful voice," Tay said softly. It was not a big deal as he knew how Kim was famous as singer 'Wik' with fanclub and all but hearing his voice in its raw form was more magical.

"You are not bad yourself," Kim commented but Tay knew he was just being polite.

Kim started singing again but not Tay's favourite, nonetheless everything sounded lovable coming in Kim's voice.

Kim is a siren singing under the moonlight and Tay realised that little late. With every song, it was becoming irresistible to keep his eyes away from Kim, especially from his alluring lips.

Kim also realised the effect he has on Tay and decided to tread deeper in this to whatever it may lead. He badly needed a distraction and Tay is an easy and willing option infront of him.

He ended the last verse and by now Tay's eyes were fixated on his lips. He leaned in closer testing his chances and not to his surprise Tay also leaned in, their lips crashing together in a breathtaking kiss. Tay's arm snaked around and pulled Kim close to him by his nape. Kim let out a growl feeling high with those fervent kisses.

Tay pulled back as if he was brought out from his hypnotised state. Their bated breaths seemed to be more louder than the crashing waves on the shore.

"I.. I guess I should go to my room," Tay abruptly got up which he regretted immediately when the alcohol in his system affected his balance. He took few seconds to stabilize himself by the time Kim also stood up.

"Let's go together P'Tay," Tay nodded afraid he might suggest something else. The walk back to the guest mansion was silent but filled with tension. Their makeout few minutes before were replaying in their mind. They never regretted it but they were also not sure whether it will end up in good thing.

The mansion was silent as everyone were knocked out after the party except for few active bodyguards. They both reached the second floor where their rooms are.

"This is mine," Kim stopped infront of his room.

"Oh..." Tay hated how his voice sounded disappointed. "Mine is at the last in the corridor so I guess this is were we part ways."

Kim was taken aback when Tay suddenly hugged him. "Thanks," Tay muttered. But kim was not sure why he was thanking him. He didn't want to think as his mind was focused on how good Tay smells and how is warm breath was fanning over his neck.

Tay wasn't doing any better. Earlier he had least bit of hope that he could blame on alcohol for the kiss but now he was completely sober and completely aware of his lust for Kim. He pulled back before he let his intrusive thoughts win. To his surprise Kim pulled him back making him crash against his firm chest. Kim's lips were back on his own but only difference was Kim was not holding back. The kisses slowly moved to his neck and the hands were gripping on him tightly.

Tay's mind was throwing ten reasons on how this could go wrong but that got nothing against how his body was reacting. Not seperating their lips Kim opened the door to his room and both of them stumbled in together tracing every inch of other's face with their lips.

Under the moonlight (Oneshot)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें