𝟬𝟬𝟰⠀ ⠀ calm before the storm

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Rhaegon pulled back, either to return to his scraps of food in hopes for more or gazing admiringly at a sight he did not get to see down in the dragons compound. Daenaera decided to remain with her dragon out in the wilderness rather than return to the solemn and mournful ambience of the castle. After perching on a large rock situated closely, her thoughts began spiralling now she did not have the distracting touch of the dragon in front of her. Her first wonder was her father, and her heart sank that she did not come to think of him sooner. Sir Laenor Velaryon was not the best father she could've asked for, but not only was he a constant presence in her life, he still claimed all Rhaenyra's children as his own — never faltering in his stance on the matter — and that respect would always be something Daenaera would admire.

She did not know whether to halt her current activities to go and give whatever comfort she could to the man, but she doubted he wished to be inconvenienced by a child after learning such gruesome and heartbreaking news. If she were in this situation and it was her brother ( her heart was already beginning to pull apart at the seams at such a thought ) she wouldn't just be suffering in misery, she would be angry. And so no matter how much she wished to console her father, she had no desire to get caught in the crosshairs of his wrath. No doubt her mother would have commanded her brothers to keep out of their father's way in his time of grief, too.

All of her next thoughts came to a sudden halt, however, when she heard a timid voice speak from behind, "Naera?"

Without even turning to confirm who it was, she was already aware that the presence approaching was her younger brother: Lucerys. He was the only one who called her by such a nickname, and she hoped he never grew out of it. Once she turned around fully, she caught sight of Luke close to her and a guard standing in the far distance. Despite them being tasked to protect Rhaenyra Targaryen's children, even soldiers had mortal men's fears, and dragons were typically one of them. Lucerys seemed apprehensive to approach her fully himself, and it wasn't until she beckoned him with a hand did he rush to sit by her side, gazing up at Rhaegon with awe laced in his eyes.

"I wish Arrax were big enough to fly with us." His voice was a small and fragile thing, almost concealed completely by the whistling wind. Daenaera still heard his every word, as she was quite used to Lucerys' delicate voice. Though she loved her brother's equally, Luke always held a tender spot in her heart she knew no one could replace. His innocent and sensitive ways of viewing the world was one she prayed he kept, while also hoping he abandoned quickly; you could not survive in Westeros, especially at the heart of King's Landing with its vicious and conniving ways with a soft demeanour. But as long as she was by his side, Daenaera would let no harm befall any of her brothers. For if it did, she would have failed in her duty as their elder sister, and for that she would never forgive herself.

Daenaera looked on at her little brother, pushing back the strands of his hair dancing in the wind, tucking it behind his ears. "Arrax is still young, little brother. You never know what size he may grow to. Vermax is still small and Jace is older than you, so don't feel too disheartened that Arrax cannot accompany us."

Luke gave her an understanding smile, turning his face away from hers to look down at the entwined hands resting in his lap. Daenaera could tell something was still bothering him, and she knew it would've been nothing other than the news they had received that morning. It wouldn't have been about Laena herself, more so the implications of what her death meant to them. Daenaera still decided to let her brother direct the conversation in the way he desired, and if he didn't not wish to speak on the matter, then that was completely fine by her. She only asked one question, making sure to set a foundation of compassion for her brother to choose the direction: elaborate on his emotions and answer, or remain silent and decline to respond. "What is on your mind, Lucerys?"

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