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The Birth Of Joffrey Velaryon

     Despite already being well informed on the trials and tribulations women must go through, nothing could've prepared Daenaera for hearing her mother scream in pain from a proclaimed natural cause

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     Despite already being well informed on the trials and tribulations women must go through, nothing could've prepared Daenaera for hearing her mother scream in pain from a proclaimed natural cause.

When the first bout of labours broke through and she and her brothers were ushered from the rooms her very mother was bringing a life into, Daenaera did not share the same joviality as her brothers. Despite knowing this was coming for months, actually seeing the pain of childbirth was far different than hearing of it. Of course, there was excitement in the prospect of meeting her newest sibling, but the rest of her emotions only belonged to a longing sense of dread. For no matter how young she was, Daenaera Velaryon knew she would have no other choice but to embark on the same path of a cyclical pattern of pain. It was daunting, especially when she knew she was destined for far more.

     It was not the first time that she wondered if she were born a man, how easier things would've been. Yes, the matters of fighting and sword training would be laid upon her shoulders instead, but it was always a wonder whether the grapples of battle were a worse feat than being bound to a bed chamber. She would rather face the flurry of hurdles being a man than do nothing but serve one. She would forever be grateful for her place in the hierarchy, however, as she could think of nothing worse than being a woman with no money, and her heart went out to the misfortune and woe they had to suffer.

When she and her brothers returned from helping choose a dragon egg for their little sibling, they awaited their mother to be brought to them patiently. And when she stepped through the doors, sweating from the trouble of birth with her white hair damp, the blood still lingering on her forehead a physical representation of the adversity of labour, Daenaera had never felt such a wash of relief course through her body. It was one thing to hear that her mother was okay, but to actually see it for her own eyes was a blessing like no other. "Mother!"

     Jace and Luke rushed to show their mother the egg laying in wait for its next master. It was a surreal thought that one day the baby that had just entered the world mere hours ago would be fully grown and riding the dragon still clutched within the confinements of its egg. Daenaera hung back ever so slightly, something that did no go amiss by her mother. She was usually an excitable child, the first to explore and best her brothers at mostly everything, so this was a strange occurrence indeed.

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