Y/n bow him he did same, then after sometime Jisoo came with Jin and they both bow to Jisoo and Jin as well as Cha eun woo and y/n also did same

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Y/n bow him he did same, then after sometime Jisoo came with Jin and they both bow to Jisoo and Jin as well as Cha eun woo and y/n also did same. Then Eun woo, Jin and y/n starts doing their project and Jisoo also went from there so that they couldn't disturb. Then after sometime Eun woo speak. 

Eun woo: *focus on work* y/n can you get me copy of these papers? 

Y/n: *look at him* uhm okay but where is the printer?

Eun woo: *look at her* In the store room on the ground floor. 

Y/n: ohh okay. 

AUTHOR POV: Y/n was going then Jisoo asked her about where is she going then y/n told her that where is she going, y/n told her and then jisoo just answered okay, y/n continue her path to ground floor. Y/n open the door of that room and she sigh as she saw to much darkness she grabbed her dress tightly and entered she move her hand on switch board even she press multiple switches but it was not working then y/n went towards to printer and place the paper on printer then press buttons then she starts taking heavy breathe and also she was sweating, suddenly she sat near the printer and starts shivering badly, she close her eyes and she was praying while this thing happened she passed out and she faint. 


Cha eun woo POV: I send y/n for printing some papers and it's been 20 minutes but she didn't come yet then i ask jin hyung he told me to not worry she will come but i don't know my heart is saying that she is in some danger. Jisoo entered and started asking about Y/n and i told her everything then after this Ana, co worker she came and told us that there is a girl who is lying on the floor then Jisoo and I look each other and ran towards ground floor then i looked at Jisoo and i was about to pick her up but suddenly CEO came over there and started asking what's going on here? As he look at y/n he came to me and took y/n's head on his lap and he was looking panic. 

AUTHOR POV: CEO heard some noises so he came to that place and found crowd in front of store room he steps towards the room as he saw y/n in Eun woo's embrace in unconscious  condition, he took her head on his lap, he started scolding to call doctor. This behavior of CEO was so strange to everyone because CEO have never care about any other co-worker , staff member or any other workers when they were in that type of condition but now how? then Eun woo stand up and he told his co-worker to call doctor. CEO took y/n in bridal style to his cabin but something hit in his mind he change decision and took her to Jisoo's cabin and place her on sofa then he leave from there as he got call. After sometimes doctor came and check her up he told everyone that made everyone shocked.

Doctor: Actually she got panic attack and she need some rest after she can do work so who is her friend by the way. 

Jisoo: Me! i am her friend, Jisoo.

Doctor: Ohh i see okay so with her son't let her go anywhere alone, okay Jisoo. 

Jisoo: okay doctor. 

Then after sometime CEO entered in the cabin and said something to Jisoo and Jisoo got shocked that why CEO want me to do this, but at last Jisoo had to agree. After sometime Y/n came in her sense but she screamed after woke up then Eun woo ran to her and asked her if she fine or not  but she didn't say anything she just hug Eun woo then Eun woo got shocked after y/n hug him then Jin also came there he asked but Eun woo stopped him, he told Jin to be quite spoke to y/n.

Eun woo: Y/n, Y/n hey chingu, Y/n are you okay? 

Y/n: *shivering* huh!

Eun woo: Are you okay?

Y/n: *back off him* uhmm yeah, btw who bring me here and saved me? 

Eun woo; *smile* actually our-*cut by jisoo* 

Jisoo: i saved you y/n, a girl came to me and told us that you're unconscious in store room.

Eun woo: *look at jisoo confusely* 

Y/n: *hug Jisoo* thank you Jisoo-nie.

Jisoo: *patted her back* Are you okay now?

Y/n: *nodded* yes, i am fine.

AUTHOR POV: After this incident everybody got know that Y/n have phobia of darkness but there is a person who already know about phobia of y/n. Theny/n, Eun woo and Jin starts doing their project. 


Y/N POV : We completed our project finally but i am little nervous for tomorrow is our presentation and we haven't decide yet who will gonna present the project in the meeting room in front of everyone? Tomorrow i will finally see my CEO of my company. Btw, thanks to jisoo that she saved me. Then i went little far then i saw car and sat inside they dropped me at my house safely. I rang the bell and oppa open the door but he sadly went back to couch and sat on it. I got confuse then i asked. 

Y/n: Yeah oppa why are you looking sad? 

Jungkook off.: actually, i was lonely here because your friend has gone and there is something also i want to tell you.

Y/n: Yes, oppa you were telling me something yesterday. 

Jungkook off.: yeah and it is actually about your friend y/n. 

Y/n: *confuse* huh! friend you mean Rishu

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Y/n: *confuse* huh! friend you mean Rishu.

Jungkook off.: Yes y/n the girl whom i kissed or i was telling at first time that was Rishu and i love her so much. 

Y/n: *winded eye* oh oppa that means  you have did- *cover her mouth* 

Jungkook off.: aish! no pabo, we did not do anything like that what are you thinking and even how can i do this i am an officer i can't even imagine it unless she is not comfortable with me, i can't do anything with her.

Y/n: *dramtic* oh woww oppa, i hope that every girl got a boy like you *hug him* i proud of you. *kiss on his forehead* 

Jungkook off.: *annoy* ew! my forehead leave btw let's have a dinner together *rub his forehead* *in his mind* even Rishu never kissed me like this* smile* 

Y/n: *saw jungkook and sigh* 

AUTHOR POV: After dinner y/n was going back to her room but suddenly a pillow hit on her head and she saw that it was her oppa Jungkook who threw the pillow to y/n then y/n gave him death glare , she pick up the pillow and threw to Jungkook after they get into pillow fight. After some time they both get into sleep on the couch. 

MY PSYCHO NEIGHBOUROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora