Lurking in the shadows

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Walking home from the cafe, I had this odd feeling.

Like a peculiar sensation prickled the back of my neck, as if someone's gaze bore into me.

Instinctively, I glanced over my shoulder, scanning the street.

There was no one in sight. I shook off the unease, convincing myself it was just my imagination running wild.

But the feeling didn't stop.

It had been happening for a while now—random moments when I couldn't shake the impression of being watched, followed by an eerie emptiness when I turned around to find no one there.

At first, I ignored it. This was the result of too many suspenseful movies I used to watch with my father, or my clearly overactive imagination.

It had to be.

But now, the uneasiness clung to me like a shadow, I couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to it.

Someone more to it.

And the more steps I took, the more the sensation continues. Every rustle of leaves, every distant footstep amplified my anxiety.

I would catch glimpses of figures in my peripheral vision, only to find them vanish upon closer inspection.

And that sounds stupid, but I couldn't help it.

It was as if a mysterious presence lurked in the shadows. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone, or something, was watching my every move, studying my every step.

I should probably be questioning my sanity right now.

I quickened my pace, desperate to reach the comfort of home.

I cleared my mind of any unsettling scenarios. This was just a feeling, I had to just get over it.

I had way more important matters to attend to.

Like paying bills, for example.


I stood in Naomi's room, since her room was the only room besides the bathroom that had a mirror.

And Sam was doing, god knows what, in the bathroom and frankly I'm scared to knock.

Naomi sat in front of me opposite the mirror, applying concealer to her face.

I stood behind, gazing at the uniform of Brentwood that hung loosely on my frame.

But the poshness of the attire was undeniable.

It seemed almost unfitting, that someone like me is wearing something as posh and expensive as this.

The navy blazer, adorned with the school crest, and intricate golden trimmings. The white blouse beneath it was pristine, and the pleated skirt, though elegant, was noticeably too long for me.

I couldn't help but adjust the length, rolling it up carefully to match the prescribed measurements.

Much better.

"That skirt is way too long for you" Naomi points out "Maybe they got the sizing wrong"

"Its fine, it looks nice anyway" I shrug

As I examined my reflection, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty coursed through me.

This school would be like a new beginning. Away from the bullies that tormented me at my last school, away from the horrible remarks and hateful glares.

I bet the people at Brentwood have far more important things to do than to torment someone as unimportant as me.

That thought alone calmed me.

"Do you want me to do your mascara?" Naomi asks

"I can do it myself" I say truthfully

I like putting on makeup, and I always think it looks decent. Apparently Naomi and Sam disagree, they said it looked like I did it in the dark.

Which is pretty ironic since Naomi was the one looking like a vampire the other day when actually putting it on in the dark.

"I've seen you doing it yourself, too clumpy and messy" she says, finishing up with her own makeup

Naomi was naturally beautiful, and she knew that. She just possessed an effortless radiance that I could never have.

Her almond-shaped brown eyes, a trait inherited from our mother, sparkled with a mischievous glimmer. Her long, silky hair cascaded down her back, dyed a shade of strawberry blonde that perfectly complemented her complexion.

It was as if she effortlessly exuded confidence and charm, making her the centre of attention wherever she went.

Not that I minded, I preferred to stay in the background. I'm quite used to being left out, that comes with being the youngest sibling I guess. Usually when people talked to me it would be to say something I don't particularly want to hear.

But I couldn't deny the pang of envy that tugged at my heart.

While I struggled to find my place in the world, Naomi seemed to glide through life with ease, effortlessly captivating those around her.

I hated myself for feeling that way, she's my sister I shouldn't have these negative thoughts about her. I was happy for her, that life came so easily to her.

"Fine you can do my mascara" I finally say

"And concealer, those eye bags are something else today" she points out again

That's because I didn't sleep at all last night.

Not only because of the strange feeling that kept haunting me. That feeling I got when I was walking home from work.

But bills keep piling up, and it feels like I'm constantly counting money, trying to figure out how I'll pay everything on time.

"Sure" I say with a forced smile

She beams at that and starts applying the concealer to my face.

"Oh, and Adeline, please try not to embarrass me with your clumsiness do I say this. Your lack of social grace? You're entering a different world, you can't afford to make a fool of yourself." she said, while swiping on the mascara

Her words cut through me like a knife. Was I really that embarrassing to be seen around?

Oh who am I kidding, of course I was.

Yesterday when I tried to serve those annoyingly beautiful idiots, should of been proof enough that I'm just pathetic.

"Only if you promise to have my back in school, just this once" I say hopefully

Naomi paused for a moment, her brown eyes flickering with uncertainty. "Adeline, you know I have my own things going on. But... fine, I promise. I'll have your back."

Though her response lacked the warmth and reassurance I had hoped for, I appreciated her agreement nonetheless.

I knew Naomi had her own priorities and ambitions, but a small part of me wished she would put them aside for a moment to truly be there for me.

Oh well.

With a grateful smile, I nodded. "Thank you, Naomi. I appreciate it."

"All done" she says finally

I looked at myself in the mirror, she was indeed a master at this.

I actually looked decent.

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