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📍Perth, Australia

❤️ Liked by danielricciardo, alexara, michellericciardo and 874 more

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❤️ Liked by danielricciardo, alexara, michellericciardo and 874 more

viricciardo  I thought I'll settle now but apparently my brother is very persuasive.
see you soon on track, I guess 🏎️

danielricciardo  I won't leave u now!

michellericciardo  now I will miss both siblings again... But I know you're in good hands with Danny
viricciardo  will call u as much as possible and as long as I don't annoy u😜

alexara  ur traveling around the world now? 😍
viricciardo  oui !

jordanlao  gotta send pics in our group, miss!
viricciardo  will do

czelin  have fun, girl! You deserve to enjoy ur life 😏
viricciardo 🙄

ramonasuárez  omg, I'm so happy for u. It was always your dream to see more of the world😍 have fun, Vi!!

collingrand  enjoy it, my love❤️

fan3  are you Daniel's Sister???

fan6  since when does daniel have a second sister?

[ ramon🔥 sent you a message ]

Hey Vi, everything alright?
You haven't texted me in a while 😕

I can't believe you're still doing that
What is wrong with you?
Why did you do that to me? You knew how much he meant to me!!

What happened?
What do you mean?

Don't be silly!!
You know EXACTLY what I mean!
S.o. Saw you and Collin, kissing at a club just THREE weeks after I left!!
I never thought you would be such a bitch!
I trusted you and everything you do is fucking my bf!!

Vi, listen. It wasn't on purpose
It just happened somehow
I didn't plan to do it

It wasn't on purpose?!
r u fucking kidding me?!
You're disgusting Ramona!

Vi, please!!
I really didn't wanted to do this to you!
But after the exams you where so busy planning your future life somewhere out of America and Collin felt a bit excluded and came to me for advice and then...
It just happened

After the Exams!!!
Already 4 fucking months is this going on now???
I can't believe it
You are pathetic

I'm so sorry but you really kept Collin out of your life.
You haven't talked with him to be a part of your future at the other side of the world
He would have followed you if you would have asked him

And that's an excuse for you to fucking sleep with my bf?
My best friend?!!!
And he could have talked with me but he rather chose to fuck my best friend
He always said he wanted to stay in America and I made it clear that I will go back to my family after school
That's why I haven't asked him to come with me
Or wait, I did!! I fucking did and he said he can't leave!
So shut ur fucking mouth and don't say it's my fault that he cheated on me!

I'm so sorry but you two weren't working anymore since a long time.
You must have seen that
Both of you weren't happy anymore

Please stop, before I come over to slap you in your damn fucking face
I thought we were friends
You were my best friend
I told you everything!
Don't ever dare to talk to me again
I don't want to hear from you and your fucking cheater bf anymore
You can lick my ass!

[ viricciardo blocked ramonasuárez ]
[ viricciardo blocked collingrand ]


Source: https://pin.it/2bRPAaP

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