940 6 3

📍Santa Monica Pier, California

❤️ Liked by collingrand, jordanlao, alexara, czelin and 454 more

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❤️ Liked by collingrand, jordanlao, alexara, czelin and 454 more

viricciardo  had to say goodbye to my favorite place where moments were born and memories will never die ❤️ I miss you already but I'm happy to go back home after 10 years🇦🇺🦘

czelin  have a good flight, my friend 🤧❤️

alexara  I can't! You became a sister to me😭

jordanlao  sth will be missed in our group evenings...

ramonasuárez  I still cry rivers. Seeing you leaving at the airport was the most heartbreaking moment of my life! 😭

collingrand  cu soon my heart❤️

jordinsta  have a good flight, Vi✈️

leastephens  I'll miss our lunch breaks 🥙

gerardavidson  hopefully we'll see you at the next beach evening in december, I'm counting on you ☝️


Story - viricciardo

[ danny🍯🦡 sent you a message ]

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[ danny🍯🦡 sent you a message ]

Hey vi, text me when you'll land. I'll pick u up

I will, just landed in Amsterdam for a stopover, but you don't have to. I know you have many things to do. Congrats on your seat at Renault💛

I promised 🤞
And the good brother I am, I will pick up my sister from the airport to bring her back home.
Thank you vm, hope to see you in the paddock...?

I'll think about it, let's see how nice my brother will treat my when I'm back😉

As if I ever treated you bad...

Well...we haven't seen each other the last few years..

My god, I miss you

Have to go, we're taking off again

C ya sissy



Sources: https://pin.it/kYQbcEs, https://pin.it/X2UrBqu

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