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Hey everyone!

Sorry for the delay in updating. I've been super busy and kind of lost motivation for this story.

This chapters more of a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy it all the same

I hope you're all doing good!

Happy reading!
Nat xx

As the days turned into weeks Cheryl and Toni found a steady routine that worked for them both as well Fangs when it involved Anthony. However, the hints were coming in from their friends about their budding relationship. The two of them agreed a few weeks ago that they'd keep things between themselves for now although the brunette recently changed her mind. She loved Cheryl. She always has. So why were they hiding it? The situation was delicate since she's married to someone else or at least since she was.

Toni and Fangs spent one evening discussing their relationship and their marriage. It was a hard and emotional conversation, but in the end they both agreed that their marriage never even really started nor was it for the right reasons and with that in mind Toni managed to pull some strings at the town hall. After everything that was happening with Percival many documents were still waiting to be put onto the legal system including Toni and Fangs marriage papers. She simply took them and just like that they were never married. It never existed.

Surprisingly Cheryl didn't react as Toni expected the night she told her, she thought the redhead would be relieved, happy even. She wasn't. The discussion turned into their first fight. Thankfully Anthony was with Fangs leaving the two of them to air their concerns as loud as they wanted.

'Cheryl why the hell are you reacting like this? I thought you wanted to be with me?'

'I do!'

'Then what's the issue?' Toni kept her voice raised.

'Toni you have just completely wiped out your marriage with Fangs. Gone. A part of you life has disappeared like it didn't exist. You made it so it never existed.'

'Because that's what we both wanted-'

'Would it have worked out this way if we weren't dating?'


'Would you have made your marriage with Fangs disappear if it wasn't for us?'

'I-I don't know...'


'I'm still not sure what the problem is.'

'I don't want you to change who you are or your experiences because of me,' Cheryl said quietly. 'I fully embrace you for who you are. Fangs gave you Anthony...'

'Cheryl listen to me,' Toni took a careful step forward reaching out for the redheads pale hand. 'Anthony was planned before anything happened between Fangs and I. Before the relationship or the marriage. I did have someone in mind to raise a child with and I know I didn't go about things the right way, I cornered you when it was already too late, but now we have the chance to have what we always wanted. I know it's not the way we planned as teenagers but after everything we're here together. I'm not wiping out my experiences, I'm correcting them. I'm doing what feels right to me. For me. I want marriage for the right reasons not because it's the only way I won't lose my son.'

'It's not because of me?'

'Not in the way you think. I know you'd still be with me regardless of my marriage with Fangs because you are, right?'


'Exactly, I don't want you being hard on yourself because of my choice. I promise you I did this for me, okay?'

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