"You and Haechan have been pretty close lately." Elaine brought up. Teasing the girl as Kisaki threw her an annoyed look.
"It's only been four days Elaine. Honestly nothing have changed. And we're only trying to get along with each other for the sake of the performance, nothing else." Kisaki stated as her friend only hums nonchalantly.
"You sure about that."
"Why does everyone keep saying that?? It's like everyone wants us to get our fair share of karma and get together or something??" She says confusingly as the girl besides her couldn't stiffer a laugh.
"That would be fun to watch I must say. Honestly, I would be more interested to watch how yours and Haechan's relationship progresses rather than watch the play twelfth night." Elaine spoke. Kisaki about to speak when she was stopped by Elaine. The girl pulling onto the hem of her sleeves when they were about to cross by a group of two guys.

There was a scared look that replaced her face. Kisaki could see that one of the guys were already staring at Elaine, having a look that somehow manages to disturb her. She immediately got the hint and quickly thought of an idea. Pulling Elaine closer to her as she wraps her arms around the girls shoulders.

"Play along." Kisaki whispers as Elaine nods her head.
Thank goodness she was a lot taller than Elaine so it looks as if the girl was walking with a guy.

The guy who has been eyeing Elaine furrows his brows in fury when he walks past them. The last glimpse he had of them was a view of Kisaki smirking in mischief.

"Thanks Kisaki." Elaine let's out a relived sigh once the guy was out of sight.
"No problem. Who's that guy anyways, he didn't look pleased when he saw me get touchy with you." She asks.
The two of them now had arrived in front of the storage room as they headed inside and turned the lights on. Now on a mission to find the props that Mrs Choi wanted.
"He's a guy that's been annoying me for the past month. He keeps asking me out after i told him countless of times that I didn't want to go out with him and that I wasn't interested. But he's still persistent that I'd somehow change my mind one day." Elaine explains as she went through the boxes.
"Geez, sounds like a pain in the ass. For me personally I wouldn't let that slide. I would've already filed a restraining order against him." Kisaki stated as a snicker left the girls mouth.
"I wish I could."

"Found it!" Kisaki exclaims once she found the box of props that Mrs Choi was looking for.
"Let's quickly bring them back to the auditorium before she locks the door."

--- ʕ ˵• ₒ •˵ ʔ

"Sorry for taking long." Kisaki exclaims once she has arrived at the parking lot where she could see Haechan patiently waiting for her.
"I got used to it. You're always late to everything nowadays." He answers her. Kisaki about to fight back and open her mouth to complain but stopped. Not knowing what to reply as she shuts her mouth back closed.
This made a grin appear on his face when seeing her unable to retort back to his statement.
"Got nothing to say because I'm right. Ahh how the roles has switched. I'm the one who's on time now whilst you're always late." He manages to rub it in her face as she frowns and punches his arms in reply.

"I'm not going to let that ruin my day." She stated and hugs her arms. The chilly breeze managing to make her shiver.
"Weakling. Who the hell freezes in the month of April?" Haechan teases as he took off his leathered jacket and placed it over her shoulders.
She scowls as she glares at him. "I do! The weather is weird Ok?" Kisaki tried to reason as she gladly wore his jacket.

"I have a question lune. How do you get to campus everyday? You always just seem to appear and teleport everywhere." He asks her as he wore his helmet.
"I use the bus. I just don't like driving a car, I don't know, it's just... its a hassle for me. I do have my driver's license though." She answers as she took the helmet from his hands and wore it.
One of his brows raised. "Oh really? That's a surprise."
"I can even drive a motorbike." She added as both his brows raised.
"Really? Want to try driving mines." He says as kisaki looks at him wearily.
"You'd let me?"
"Yeah. I think it'd be pretty cool if I got to be the passenger princess for once. Besides, you seem like you haven't driven anything in so long. You're also the one who decided on the hangout place today." He replied as she grins at him.
"Alright then. Hold on tight cause I like to speed."

HIDDEN DISGUISES (l. donghyuck) ✓Where stories live. Discover now