Naruto crouched.

He held the yakisoba in front of the girl, gaining the girl's attention with a drool starting to fall from the corner of her small lips.

Naruto moved his hands to the left, her eyes followed, to the right, her eyes followed.

The blond grinned before he handed the Yakisoba to the girl which the latter took before looking at Naruto's eyes.

"Your name?" He inquired as his eyes found hers once again.




The girl didn't answer, but Naruto could feel the hatred and sadness in her heart.

Damn his bleeding heart.

If he let her be, she might walk the same path the Uchiha did.

"Naruto, No!"

'Naruto, Yes!"

With a large grin, he picked the girl up from the floor, earning a small yelp from Aiz.

"You're staying with me from now on."


"Yup, the name's Naruto Uzumaki, owner of the Uzumaki Noodle, the best store you would want to go to if you're hungry!"

"Don't forget the ''if you want to get strong" part, chef!" one of the guests said as the others nodded at the first one.

"I told you guys, I don't know what you're talking about!" Naruto pouted at his customers. He only cooked normally and infused the ingredients with Natural Energy. He didn't do anything weird for his noodles to have those kinds of effects. "Anyway! From now on, this girl will be under my protection until she could find a God/Goddess's Familia that she wanted to join, treat her well, will ya?"

"""AYE CHEF!!"""

"And if you see any Deities trying to recruit her, make sure to tell me immediately and I'll make your orders free this time!"

The inside of the store cheered for his generosity since while the food boosted their status temporarily, they were quite pricey though they were definitely worth it.

Naruto turned to the girl who frowned at him.

"I didn't say that I need your help."

"You didn't, but I want to help."

"Why?" She asked as Naruto moved to the back.

"You're in pain. I know those eyes. You hate the thing that took your loved ones and you want to kill it, am I right?"

Aiz looked away as Naruto put her on the seat and the Yakisoba on the table.

"For now, eat first. If you want to talk about it later, I'll listen to you." The blond said as he put a glass of water for the girl.

"Why did they say they can get strong if they come here?" Aiz opened her lips as her eyes were still locked onto the yakisoba.

"No idea. They said my food boosted their status given by their Familia's deities."

"Familia? Status? Deity?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Yup, Familia is family, deity is God or Goddess, Status is a blessing for them to be able to fight monsters."

Aiz nodded slowly before her hand picked up the chopstick.

She slurped the first batch of noodles and her eyes widened in shock as her tastebud was assaulted by the rich flavour of the yakisoba.

Then she felt that her wounds weren't hurting anymore and she could feel her body was rejuvenated and she felt stronger than before.

"I...feel stronger..."

"Not you too..." Naruto sighed as he watched the younger blonde devour her yakisoba.

"... I made a decision." Aiz said after finishing her food. "I'll be staying with you."

"Huh? If you want to get strong, then find a Familia. Some of the guests said that my food boosted their status for a full day and the experience they earned from killing monsters in the Dungeon didn't decrease. So you can just fight stronger enemies while your status is boosted by my food."

"Familia... I'll think about it after I find out who the deities are..."

Naruto nodded before he stood up and ushered the girl to follow him to the bathroom before he made a shadow clone quietly to buy some clothes for the girl.

"Right, I forgot to tell you."

Aiz looked at him impassively.

"I'm an Immortal but not a God."


I'm sorry for another story.

I just need to get this idea out of my head before it disappears for good.

How old Naruto is in this story?
Old enough to be called a God.

Do Gods know about his immortality?
Only a certain brown-haired Goddess for now.

Any hints for the Goddess?


How about the guests?

Only several people that he trusts.

Is Kurama a male or female, a kyubi or jubi?

former, latter.


Uncertain for now.

A lot of high-level adventurers?
Nope. The food does boost their status and the experience they gained didn't decrease, but they still need to gain high-quality excelia to rank up.

Will Naruto join a Familia?
Unsure, unless I want to make him even stronger than he is right now.

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