46. Athelinda and Lucas.

Start from the beginning

"Athelinda?" Emperor gasped.

"Yeah, if you take my suggestion then make her your heiress, she's far more capable of becoming the Strongest Magician Emperor of the history instead of this weak child."

Lucas said and the Emperor looked at Athelinda who once again had defeated the men.


"If you're holding back because she's a girl then I'll assure you, that girl has the potential of even becoming my successor." Lucas said looking at Athelinda who was wiping the sweat off her neck.


"Yes, if you don't want to then I'll just take her with me." Lucas said and the Emperor eyed Athelinda.

After that day, Athelinda had come down to the Tower and demanded an explanation for what he did.

"My brother-"

"Stop holding yourself back because of your brother's weakness! I told Kyllin what I felt."

Athelinda glowered at him, "Who told you to run your mouth like that?! And why did you even come to the palace and meet Father? I am trying hard each day to make my brother's life easier!"

"Then you're the biggest idiot I've ever seen." Lucas couldn't help but say that.

Why were the people who managed to get close to him like that? Such emotional fools?

Athelinda was so angry that she was almost on the verge of tears, Lucas couldn't help the twinge of ache in his chest when he saw her expression.

"Don't show me your face ever again!"

With that she ran away and didn't return.

Lucas just sat around in his Tower and when he was too bored he would go out and roam in the forest but even after that he couldn't feel at ease. So, he would sneak into the palace and watch the girl.

She was announced as the Crown Princess while she was only 16. She didn't look quite happy rather, it seemed as if she was forced into this. But what was more outrageous was that she was sent to the war between Obelia and Gerium at that age.

Lucas felt the slight bit of guilt when he saw the child departing to the battlefield. She wasn't supposed to be at such a place at that age, it was his fault.

But even after being sent to the battlefield Lucas couldn't keep himself from following her. He would usually just keep himself invisible and watch her from sidelines. She was growing stronger with each passing day.

Enough strong to defeat a demon on the battlefield and bring the victory to the Empire. But... she was still mad at him.

The war that had lasted for five years ended because of Athelinda's great contribution. The knights and the people revered her as she returned victoriously and the Emperor arranged a banquet to celebrate it.

Lucas stayed invisible for the whole ceremony and then snuck into her room to see how she was doing. He had seen her try to talk with her brother but he had ignored her coldly. The pain was evident on her face in that moment.

Once she entered her room she ripped off her cape and coat and stomped up to the mirror and punched it to shatters.

Lucas saw the blood dripping from her hand as she stood there breathing heavily.

"Do you really think being invisible is helping you right now?" She spoke and Lucas removed his invisiblity spell.

He knew she wouldn't have not noticed his presence, she was far more stronger now.

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