"Anyway, we'll have to figure something out for the shop when the wedding comes around." She raised her voice as she walked to the back room.

"I'm already planning on closing it the day before and the day of." I responded, printing the order list.

"Good, because you're my maid of honor."

"I would have been disappointed if I wasn't!" I told her as I walked into the back room.

She was sorting through inventory boxes as I handed her a copy of the order list.

"I work from the top, you from the bottom?" she grinned.


I roamed the back room, gathering materials for the first order of the day.

"Oh, by the way. What time is that delivery supposed to be by?"

She was referring to the delivery of new mirrors and racks I had placed. I looked to the clock on the wall.

"Maybe in the next hour or two. I'm not sure. They couldn't give me a definitive time when I asked."

I faintly heard the chime on the front door go off.

"That might be them."

Arms full of crafting material, I emerged from the back to find, not a deliveryman, but Jungkook. Speak of the devil. His trademark smile on his face with that teasing freckle. The visual was completely different from the way he looked last night. Dark eyes, swollen lips, muscles flexing, cock hard and weep- Jesus Y/N. Get ahold of yourself. My cheeks pinkened with the direction my thoughts were going. Damn it. It wasn't enough. I needed more. I shook it off, looking to him in surprise.

"Kook? What are you doing here?"

"A little birdie told me you were expecting a delivery today. I'm here to offer my services." He chirped, strutting over to place a quick kiss on my lips.

"A birdie named Kat?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but I kind of missed having him around."

Kat walked out of the back, waving to Jungkook.

"Missed him, or missed not having to lug around all the heavy boxes?"

She looked offended.

"Can't I miss both?"

The delivery didn't come until late in the day. But as promised, Jungkook stayed and helped out with a couple of the orders. He seemed to really like making the mystery gift baskets, so I let him have those. He said they allow him his "creative freedom" and, honestly, he appeared to have a knack for it. All his baskets were themed perfectly. Almost as if I had done them myself. When they finally showed up, Jungkook was back and forth helping the deliverymen carry in boxes of racks needing to be put together and bubble wrapped mounting mirrors.

Kat and I attempted to help, but he had insisted they had it and for us to keep working on our orders and helping customers. I finished checking out the last customer as Jungkook carried in last of the mirrors. Kat walked out of the back, handing me her copy of the orders list.

"The yarn order is packed. I also made all the candles, just waiting for them to cool. Jungkook's baskets are ready too."

"Great. I'll mail them when we're done here."

"Did you want to go ahead and put them together?"

Jungkook had already begun unwrapping one of the mirrors, setting it up beside one of the display cases as he dug around for the power drill.

I checked my phone. "It's getting late. We'll probably only have enough time to get a couple of the mirrors up. Is Jackson here already?"

"Yeah. He just messaged me saying he's outside."

"You can head home then. I'll help Jungkook with whatever he's wanting to get done. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

"See ya Kat."

"Back at you stud."

She left, flipping the sign to closed before shutting and locking the door behind her as I turned to Jungkook.

"You're not planning on getting all of this set up tonight are you? I'd feel bad making you work so late."

"What about you? If I weren't here, wouldn't you be the one doing it?"

"You're not wrong." I shrugged. "So, how can I help?"


Helping may have been the wrong word to use. There really wasn't much for me to do. Jungkook handled all of the mirror mounting without needing me, so I turned my attention to trying to assemble some of the racks. That ended up being a slower process than it would have under normal circumstances. Jungkook was... distracting. He had shed his sweater a while ago. Leaving him in a short sleeve white t-shirt and the consistent lifting and drilling made his arms flex deliciously with each movement.

It also didn't help the way his shirt rode up every time he raised his arms above his head. The small strip of exposed back was tempting. I should have felt ashamed eyeing the man like he was candy when he was none the wiser, but I didn't. I didn't feel anything except intense desire for him. I think Hoseok ignited something in me that day at the dance studio. For the first time in their presence, I was hyper aware of them all the time it seemed like. My thirst awakened and the taste of Jungkook I had the other night wasn't enough.

I abandoned my half-finished assembly of racks, walking up behind him just as he hung the last mirror on the wall. He observed it closely to make it sure it held, hands gripping the sides of it, testing its stability. My arms came around his waist, holding him tightly.

"Finished?" he asked.

"Not quite." I admitted. "I found something a bit more pressing to attend to."

"And what's that?"

I kissed the back of his shoulder, peeking around him to meet his eyes through the mirror. I slowly dragged my hand down his front, relishing in the way his stomach tensed beneath it during its descent. His gaze never left mine, the chocolatey orbs that usually glinted with boyish charm quickly darkening into something more alluring. I kept going, the rough material of his jeans scratching my palm before I found what I was aiming for. I cupped his growing erection, running more kisses across his arm as his eyes fluttered and his tongue darted out to wet his lips.

"You." My voice was sultry, a tone I had never heard from myself before.

"Bunny." He warned, voice dropping a few octaves lower than normal. "Don't start something you can't finish."

"Who says I won't finish?" I pushed, squeezing him gently.

He whirled around fast, catching me off guard, but his lips crashed into mine in the next second. It was passionate, desire evident between the two of us, but it didn't last. As quickly as he had done it, he pulled away.

"I won't fuck you in your shop."

"But you will fuck me?"

"You're playing a dangerous game."

"I suppose you better take care of it then."

That seemed to be the final straw for him. The playful and gentlemanly Kookie gone and replaced with the hard and dominant Jungkook from last night.

"You have five minutes to get your ass in my car before my hand is all over it."

Boyfriend for Hire (BTS Ot7 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now