News & A More 'In-Depth' Overview of my MIA

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Hello my fellow book dragons and dragonesses! It's your boy... the weary one... coming to you live from school—

I should stop.

So, going straight to the point; I wanted to make this chapter to clarify why my book updates have been slowing down, as well as my responses. Since jam packing it into an announcement pretty much nobody will see will do me a disservice, I wanted to make it clear as to what's happening, and any other news that may interest you.

I like how I'm turning my art book into a news book. That's the state I'm in!

1. School: I'll say it once and I'll say it again, School/Pilot comes first. I want a job that means the most to me, I want to fly something (I don't care if it's on made of paper or on fire) and I do not want to screw it up. I had to shut out anything and everything that's serve as a distraction last semester, and managed to score high (which was great)! But I didn't watch movies, play video games, touch grass, sleep well, write, read, listen to music, call home, or do anything that whole time. I pretty much put myself on lockdown. Unfortunately, that's going to have to stay for a bit until 2024 begins (I cannot screw up).

I'm also striving for a license in sailing, drones, and otherwise so my schedule will be packed.

2. These Wounds Bleed Black: Another mandatory thing for me is getting this book at least to one publisher before the end of next year. Once I graduate (and luck goes my way) I will have no time to put my attention elsewhere. This is virtually the last amount of time I have to refine the book, correct any mistakes, and gather a following (which is extremely hard because I am not really a social media user by trade).

In addition, because of my financial state, I won't be able to give this to someone to edit for me. Maintaining the website and all included. This has to be done by myself.

3. MOTIVATION : usually I don't have a problem with this. But, for the first time in a long time, I'm somehow not having the motivation to write. Most of the stories I have are feeling like projects rather than enjoyment. This is not because I don't like them, but because the parts I want to reach are so far ahead, and I want to write well, so I'm forced to stab myself with fillers upon fillers and long slabs of text to get where I need to be. I just need some time to readjust myself.

4. 2017 Wattpad vs 2023 Wattpad: It is really dead on here. Super dead. There's no more good awards to enter, no great graphic shops to follow, no audience to find since most have left (I'm in a corner of Wattpad that's dusting away). I don't really know what to do about it because I don't have time to search the entire platform for people like me, let alone someone willing to read my books. Most people have stated my stories are incredibly written and better than most authors, but wouldn't pick up my book otherwise because it is 'not their interest' and 'not romantic enough'. I'm losing encouragement, I really don't know who I'm writing for or who to look for. It just feels empty over here.

5. The Upcoming Books: the 3 upcoming books are still in teaser mode, and I've been struggling to keep that alive when I still have so many books still unfinished. Along with Wars of The Wilted, I also have Starcross Destiny, and a BRAND NEW story which will be titled THE BACKROOMS: CLASS OF '89.

6. LIFE: I've been to 3 funerals this year, my happiness and strength has drained terribly, and I am still fighting to recover. My stress is also through the roof. I still have yet to do any of the things I really want to do. So I apologize in advance for my constant absences.

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