Blood is Thicker than Water?

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the brothel was filled with laughter of the beauties and they keep praising the madam for her bravery in driving the noblemen away.for guiying this was nothing but a 'sh!t' as she reached her room she began to lie down on her bed to continue her sleep

Wang Gui Ying was first famous as the young wife of a wealthy old man called wang jing.people mock her and her family for being shameless as to marry her off for wealth

gui ying who was know as aini before came from a broken and poor household consist of 3 family member.guying mother li ja,her little brother and her.their family was so poor that they can't afford even a bowl of rice

guiying mother came up with the idea of selling guiying of as a child bride in the city of beijing after hearing a news about someone in need for a ja sees guiying as an object rather than a human

lija immediately brings her to the wealthy old man to strike a deal

my lord i guarantee you she is a good deal she is a diamond in a lord just have to polish her a little bit and she will be a beauty.

lija explained

how old is she? the old man asked

She is turning 8 this year my lord

the old man didn't believe it because gui ying body was so small like a 5 years old.the old man show an unpleasant reaction that make the mother nervous

my lord even though she is small she can cook,clean,take care of children and just wait for a few years then she can warm your bed

the word that came out of her mouth displeased him so much that he was about to slap her,but he stopped as he saw gui ying small body trembling in fear.

the old man threw a few bank notes at lija and immediately she threw a few bows at the old man while thanking him.she then walked away excitedly without even looking back at guiying

gui ying felt betrayed to the point she couldn't shed tears anymore.she can only wave  and say goodbye at the back of her mother's head

let's go home...

says the old man while holding gui ying small hand

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