4. Will Time Tell?

Start from the beginning

Maybe her house wasn't so lonely after all...


After locking up her house, the three girls walked out onto the sidewalk. Everyone was excited, including Eve. While they walked, Rose began talking about the cafe they were headed to, blabbering on about how fancy and modern it was and how the boys probably already got them a table reserved. 

"A reservation? For a cafe?" Eve questioned.

"Yep. That's just how busy it is," Rose replied.

Charlotte hummed softly, agreeing but not directly saying anything. Eve looked up at the sky, seeing the sun begin to fall just above the horizon. It wasn't quite sunset yet, but she knew it would be in a matter of half an hour or so.

Rose kept on talking about random things that'd happened while Eve was out, Charlotte commenting on things she said as she went, until eventually they reached the cafe.

It was a lot smaller of a cafe than Eve had expected, but it definitely still looked modern. Tall windows coated one side of the building, while the other had two smaller windows surrounding the door. 

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Rose asked, walking up to the door. "I'm sure the boys are waiting inside!"

Charlotte agreed and walked up to the door with Rose. Eve stayed back for a moment and smiled softly. After Rose called her name, Eve ran up to the door with them, taking their first steps inside the building.

Once inside, they all took a deep breath. The air of the cafe felt different; a sweet jasmine smell filled the room, they noted, as they stepped in. There were booths on the far end of the room, and smaller tables closer to the windows. The counter was at the far end of the store, near the booths. 

From across the cafe, they trio looked and saw the boys in one of the booths with a stack of a dozen donuts on the table in front of them. Rose smiled and waved at them, with Charlotte and Eve doing the same.

The three of them made their ways over to the booth, sliding in and taking a seat, with Charlotte in the middle, Rose next to Charlotte, and Eve on the end. Andrew sat on the end, across from Eve, and Caleb was next to Charlotte in the middle.

"So, hey, what's up with you missing school today?" Andrew asked, taking a bit out of a donut.

"Just... some drama..." Eve replied, gripping the back of her neck.

Andrew was about to ask more, but Charlotte shot him a glare, gesturing for him to change the subject. Rose grabbed a donut and munched on it happily as Eve sat quietly for a bit.

"Anyway..." Caleb started, sensing the tension and wanting to move away from the touchy subject. "I have a bit of an announcement."

Charlotte was about to ask more when a blonde girl appeared at the table. 

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," Katie apologized as she sat down on the end, with Andrew scooting over to make room. "I kinda got caught up in some traffic."

"No worries," Eve assured.

"Like I was saying," Caleb started up again, clearing his voice. "I got promoted... to soccer captain!"

The whole table cheered for him as Andrew threw an arm around his shoulder and laughed happily. 

"I always knew you could do it!" He teased.

"Way to go!" Katie cheered.

"I'm so happy for you!" Rose chirped up, handing Caleb another donut.

"Nice job," Eve chimed in.

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