"Pah! Medicine cats!" Dewfrost snarled. He unsheathed his claws and slid them coolly till they were right underneath Frostpaw's neck. "It's time to die, savage," he growled.

Frostpaw seriously didn't want to kill him, but this was a life-and-death situation. Still, there was something else she could do to spare his life. She reared on her hind legs and kicked him off of her. Dewfrost was sent flying and he smashed against the warriors' den. He writhed in pain, but still, better that than death, right?

"What has happened to the peaceful SummerClan I knew?" Moonshine asked in disbelief. 

Frostpaw walked over to her, wanting to see her reaction, and Moonshine stepped backwards, her eyes shining with terror. "SummerClan has changed," she meowed. "Thanks to stupid Silverlight, we're done with peace." She turned away, wondering if she had said the right thing. She was just an apprentice, though, so while her words would stay, she hoped no cat would believe her.

Skytail came forward. "I'm here to discuss a prophecy with Hawkfeather."

Mottledpelt glared at him. "You already said too much, Skytail. Amberfrost, where is your leader?" Right, he couldn't possibly know it was Stonestar now, but he did know Sunstar was dead. Only Moonshine could know that their leader had changed again.

"In his den," Amberfrost meowed bitterly, and she added under her breath, "Like he always is."

"Oh," Moonshine meowed with a frown. "Then, can we see the deputy?"

"You're talking to her," Frostpaw meowed, gesturing to Amberfrost.

"Oh, it's you!" Skytail meowed in relief. He was probably glad that the deputy was experienced. Some cats were already struggling to remember if Stonestar had ever had an apprentice. Amberfrost definitely had.

"May we see Hawkfeather?" Mottledpelt asked.

"Of course. The medicine den is that way." Amberfrost pointed them in the direction of the medicine den and the three medicine cats hurried that way.

For some reason, Frostpaw was interested in what they were doing. It was probably going to be boring medicine cat business, but Skytail had mentioned something about a prophecy. Maybe she'd learn who the prophecy cat was, then she could be friends. Frostpaw crept behind them and snuck into the medicine den with them, her heart pounding against her chest. She hid behind a neat pile of poultices which reeked and strained her ears to hear their quiet conversation.

"I had a prophecy around seven moons ago," Skytail began.

"As did I," Moonshine meowed.

"As did I," Mottledpelt meowed.

The three medicine cats stared expectantly at Hawkfeather, and he finally nodded. "I had a prophecy as well."

"I was told," Skytail meowed, "that the prophecy was ordered, and we each got a snippet of the prophecy. I got the end line."

"I believe I have the start," Hawkfeather meowed.

And so they spoke in order, Hawkfeather then Mottledpelt then Moonshine then Skytail, and together they recited the prophecy, the way it should be.

"The snow-white cat will save you all,

The cat silver as the moon will bring peace,

The burning flame will bring destruction,

The tortoiseshell leaf will bring the flames.

These cats were born with a great destiny

However the destinies are not all good."

"StarClan really needs to improve on their rhyming," Hawkfeather commented. Skytail whirled on him.

"This is serious!" the white tom snarled, his beetle-black eyes fixing on Hawkfeather. "Who is the snow-white cat?"

"I believe it is either Frostpaw or Cloudpaw, although I'm not sure," Hawkfeather meowed heavily.

"Frostpaw? That savage that was fighting Dewfrost? No, you must be kidding. It's definitely Cloudpaw," Skytail meowed.

"Really, you think so?" Hawkfeather asked, raising his eyebrows. "I rather think it would be Frostpaw. She has stood out in the Clan, at this point, not for the right reasons, but Cloudpaw is still faded in the background. No one really knows him, or anything."

"Really suspicious, Hawkfeather. I think it's Cloudpaw," Skytail turned to Moonshine. "What about you? Who's your peaceful cat silver as the moon?"

"I believe it's Streamlight. And she is a peaceful cat. No one else in the Clan fits." Mottledpelt glanced at Moonshine. "But what about yours? The burning flame bringing destruction?"

"I don't understand mine," Moonshine meowed. "The only cat who looks like a burning flame is Flamewing, but he's so timid, kind and caring. I don't see how he could bring destruction."

"A prophecy is a prophecy, Moonshine," Skytail meowed wryly. "For mine, the 'tortoiseshell leaf' is Turtleleaf."

"Wait," meowed Moonshine. "Turtleleaf will bring the flames. What if that means, Turtleleaf will bring Flamewing, and Flamewing will cause destruction?"

"Well, that's bad. I think we should mix them around a bit," Skytail meowed.

"'Mix them around a bit'?" Hawkfeather demanded. "You mean send them to different Clans? I'm sorry but SummerClan is going to wait on this one. We want Frostpaw to complete her training before any of that happens."

"No, it's simple. We'll send Streamlight to SummerClan," Mottledpelt meowed. 

"Wait, then you're placing the two bad cats together?" Skytail demanded.

"'Bad cats'?" Moonshine snapped. "I don't know about you, but Flamewing isn't bad! What if the destruction he brings isn't to the Clans? To some enemy we have?"

"And what if it is to the Clans, Moonshine? We can't let him stay with Turtleleaf, that would be disastrous! You know what, we'll send Streamlight to Flamewing, and Turtleleaf can come to SummerClan. Any objections?" Skytail asked.

Frostpaw wanted to object - what was with all this? She didn't want Turtleleaf in SummerClan. Nothing against Turtleleaf, of course, but a complete stranger in their midst? That would let her know how broken SummerClan was. She could object, but she wasn't supposed to be there anyway. Frostpaw snuck out of the medicine den and went to find Stormpaw to think, just realizing a moment later that Stormpaw was dead. Frostpaw padded out to Stormpaw's body in the clearing.

Amberfrost was standing over it, her expression solemn. She looked up when Frostpaw arrived, seeing the poor apprentice losing the only cat she'd ever cared about.

"Is Stonestar going to give her a warrior name? I think she deserves one," Frostpaw meowed fiercely. "She was the bravest, most determined cat I know. If she doesn't deserve a warrior name, nobody does."

Amberfrost sighed. "But that's the thing. I want to give her a warrior name but Stonestar doesn't even want to go out of his den! It's so infuriating."

"Then can you give her a name, on behalf of our leader?" Frostpaw asked bitterly. She couldn't bear to let Stormpaw go to StarClan as... well, as a 'paw. She had to be a warrior!

"Very well," Amberfrost sighed heavily. "From this point onwards, she will be known as Stormwind." She didn't say the whole ceremony, but that was enough to bring a warm glow to Frostpaw.

"I wanna be called Frostwind when I'm a warrior!" Frostpaw meowed delightedly.

"Ha, we'll see. That time, it won't be my choice," Amberfrost meowed. "But good luck, Frostpaw. Don't become too savage, by the way. And notice that poor tom."

"What?" Frostpaw asked.

Amberfrost smiled innocently. "Nothing!" she trilled, and scurried away.

Word count: 2328

Super weird ending but...yeah.

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