Chapter 1. beach

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Snow: This felt way too easy.

Flail: What do you mean? It took us a few weeks.

Snow: I know, but Yunichi didn't even want to fight.

Flail: He probably gave up.

Snow: I don't think so.

[They go back and see Ace rush to them.]

Ace: You guys did it!

Snow: Yeah, but Yunichi managed to get away.

Ace: Yunichi?

Snow: The blue rabbit guy, the one who fought with me in the last war.

Ace: He was there again?!

Snow: We saw him down there too, but he disappeared too fast. I feel like we will never be able to defeat him, especially because he's a god.

[Ace pats Snow on the shoulder.]

Ace: There's no "never". Trust me, one day you will be able to defeat him.

[Spezi rushes to them and screams Snow's name.]

Spezi: Snow!


Spezi: Want to play some volleyball?

Snow: I'm actually very exhausted right now--

Flail: Sure!

[Snow gives Flail a side-eye.]

Spezi: Alright, come with me!

[They see Mino, Kayo, Yoi, Yasu, Keksi, Mika, and Beebop standing at the gate.]

Snow: Didn't you say we wanted to play volleyball?

Spezi: Yes! Beach volleyball! We need to walk a bit for that though.

Flail: Alright, let's go!

[They walk for about half an hour.]

Spezi: And we're here! Who will start the first game?

Mika: Maybe me and Keksi?

Keksi: Sorry, Mika, but you're not able to play yet.

Mika: Can I keep score then?

Keksi: Sure.

[They play several 1v1 matches for now.]

Snow: Hey, how about boys vs girls!?

Yasu: Uhhh...

Snow: Oh, right, uhhh. I'd say you go to the girls since there are fewer of them.

Keksi: Actually, I'm not going to play this round. I need a break.

[Keksi sits next to Mika.]

Mika: Last battle! Yoi, Snow, Ace vs Kayo, Spezi, Yasu, and Flail!

Kayo: Why am I on the girls' side again?

Snow: Doesn't matter.

Mika: 3, 2, 1... go!

[Meanwhile, in the ocean in a city...]

System: Warning! Warning! It escaped!

Yunichi: Heh, I just know that Snow and the others will try to stop this beast.

Jill [in a room full of technology]: No, guys, what do we do now?

Kin: Well, it's only gone 1 km away from the city. We might still catch it and bring it back.

Jill: Are you kidding?! Do you know how much 1 km is?

Kin: And you should know how big that thing is!

Jill: Okay, well, you're right...

[After some time...]

Sophia: Can't reach it.

Jill: What do you mean?

Sophia: The creature is too far away to shoot from here.

Jill: Oh, shoot...

Minka: Is this one of your unfunny jokes again, Jill?

Jill: Minka, we're in a serious situation right now. Why would I make a joke right now?

Minka: I know you, Jill.

Kin: Hey girls, calm down! We need to think.

Sophia: You don't need to. There is no chance to stop it.

Kin: Ugh, come on!

[Meanwhile, at the beach...]

Mika: The last point goes to the girls' team.

Spezi: Yeyy!

[The girls' team high-fives.]

Snow: I really need a break now. Good game though...

[Snow walks to his water bottle, but while he walks, something that feels like a string pulls him into the sand, along with everyone else on the volleyball court.]

Snow: What?!

[Everyone disappears except Mika, Keksi, and Beebop.]


Keksi: What just happened?

[Mika starts to panic.]

Keksi: Don't worry, Mika! We will find them soon!

[They all get pulled out of the sand into the water and find themselves in a different place with two people in a giant underwater city.]

[At Kayo and Spezi...]

Spezi: Ugh, I'm dizzy...

Kayo: Wait, where are we?

[At Mino and Yoi...]

Mino: Where the hell...

Yoi: Oh, man...

[At Yasu...]

Yasu: Where is everyone?

[At Ace and Snow...]

Ace: Wait, what happened just now?

Snow: Where are we?

[Some soldiers appear from an edge and see Snow and Ace.]

Soldier: Who are you? You're not supposed to be here!

[They chase both of them until a hand grabs Ace and Snow and pulls them into a gap between buildings.]

Jill: Shhhh!

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