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Teo looked over at me, i was laughing uncontrollably at something i had said. He couldn't help but join in on the laughter.

"Just because I'm laughing doesnt mean you are forgiven dude!" I stated,

" come onn its not that deep !! "

I scoffed as i reaplied my sunscreen and layed down again,

" TAYLOR DONT BE CHILDISH ." Teo begged and shook me with both hands.

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming? "  I asked, removing my glasses to look at him.

" I got really sick and I couldn't leave the house. I should have called you to let you know, but I was feeling so dizzy  i couldnt even grab my phone ! Believe me!! " he explained desperately

" okay okay, it's fine."

"Aaah I'm sorryyyy I promise to make it up to you. How about instead of tanning here at your pool we go grab some snacks and umm.. I promise ill beg my mom to let me have the beach house for the weekend!! "

I stood up so quick i almost fell from excitement,
" TEO, REALLY ?! "

"YES! Only if you forgive me.."

I smiled softly and looked away and scratched the back of my head.

" actually...." I whispered,

" uh oh what is it again?" He asked, sipping his margarita with a raised eyebrow

" umm i'm not that mad at you, i just enjoy annoying you. I wasnt that lonely yesterday. I stayed with mason all night at the balcony just talking about everything . It was A-MA-ZING."



He threw his towel at me while i laughed.


I just laughed and tried dodging all the water he was throwing at me.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I let out a deep sigh as i looked around the room, feeling bored and restless. I decided that watching TV might help pass the time.
I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks but i realized there wasn't any left. Everything was consumed yesterday. I have to go to the store to get some.


I shouted, i got no response back. I guess she's still knocked out.

I put on my slides and headed to the door. The store is at the end of the street. As i walked to the store, i walked around, looking at everything and checking the place. It's pretty big even though it looks tiny from the outside.


i walked down the snack aisle, and i saw her. The girl i stayed up all night talking to was right in front of me, and i realised how beautiful she was. I haven't really noticed it, but now that i saw her in broad daylight , i was mesmerized.

I felt my heart rate increase as she turned to look at me, and i quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed. I grabbed some snacks and headed to the checkout, trying to act cool and collected.

As i left the store, i couldn't stop thinking about her. Maybe i should have said something , but it was too late now. Maybe next time i would be brave enough to say something..

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

When we got home i kept overthinking what happened at the store. I'm sure that was mason. But why did he ignore me ?

"are you sure it was him ?" Teo asked, munching on Cheetos.

" yes teo,100%. " i groaned.

" then why did he act like you were invisible? Didn't you guys spend the whole night talking or something?" He says, throwing crisps into his mouth as i rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, okay ? Maybe he didn't recognise me ?" I said, hopefully.

" UH UH, No. his reaction was priceless, you should've seen the way his eyes widened, i had to check there wasn't a spider on your shoulder." He stated with a laugh. I sighed.

"Then why would he look at me and not say hi? Ughhh. I don't understand why i care about this. It's just very.. upsetting. But anyways, let's do something else."

"Um nope, i gotta get back home, my mom is coming back from work and i gotta ask her for the house" he says, grabbing his car keys. " Bye!"

As i watched teo leave, i felt a sense of boredom wash over me. now i was alone with nothing to do. I knew that he had to go back home, but i couldn't help feeling restless and unoccupied.

I tried to think of things to do to pass the time, but nothing seemed to hold my attention! I didn't feel like watching TV or scrolling through social media either. I felt like i am in a rut and couldn't find a way out..

It's already starting to get dark, as i sat on the couch, i realised that i needed to do something to break the monotony. I got up and grabbed my phone, scrolling through my contacts until i found Masons number.  I remember brooke sticked a post-it on the packaging of the pie with their numbers and socials.

I looked at my phone and thought about it. I couldn't resist calling him, I hit the call button and waited anxiously for Him to answer.

He answered on the second ring,

"Hey, it's me," i said. "I saw you at the store."

there was silence for a moment, was he surprised to hear from me?

"Oh hey" he said. "I didn't realize you had my number."

"Yeah, I got it from Brooke," i said.

"Oh" he was obviously confused on why i called him to say that. I could feel it becoming awkward, so I improvised.

"Listen, I'm going to the beach with my friend this weekend, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?"

I immediately regretted saying that, Teo hasn't even asked his mom yet !

He hesitated for a moment, "Sure, that sounds like fun. What time should I meet you guys?"

"Awesome!" I said. "We're leaving at 10 am on Saturday. I'll text you the details."

"Sounds good," he said. "Um, Thanks for inviting me."

"No problem, you can also invite Brooke too you guys can invite anyone aha!!" I said, i was so nervous it was embarrassing, i realised i was doing too much.

"Okay bye see you on Saturday." I add and hung up the phone as i take a deep breath.

Even though the call was awkward. I couldn't help but smile. I had taken a chance and it had paid off. I was excited to spend the day at the beach with him.
But now.. i just gotta hope teo's mom let him have the house.. and i also gotta hope teo doesn't get mad at me for randomly inviting people over. help!!

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