4. Something in your eyes

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It's been almost a week, day by day i open my eyes to my new existence. I can honestly say that I love it, the small apartment really starting to feel like home.
Mirah helped me do some shopping, i got groceries and some new clothes. She keeps asking me questions that I'm not ready to answer.
I think she suspects that something is going on, that I'm running from something.
I enjoy being alone, going for walks around the neighborhood. Its a non tourism area so its quite and semi isolated. Lots of small intimate coffee shops. Children running around safely without their parents in parks that are all over the area. Trees that are beautiful this time of year.
I have been in two coffe shops during this week, have no idea what they are saying because the language is a big barrier, but people are so nice always greeting each other with a smile and a small baw.
For the first time in a very long time i feel calm.
Some moments make me forget about the real reason I'm here. I found this little coffee shop just couple of minutes from my place it's so nice the owners are an elderly lady with her doughter.
The first time i walked in a couple of days ago i got some strange stares, no matter how under the radar i try to stay people are notesing me, i don't think they get alot or forners around here, so a blond caucasian girl who doesn't speak a word in Korean will definitely chach their attention.
I sit at a corner table next to a window so i can watch the park outside, already ordered my cup of green tea, i did show the lady a picture of it on my phone so she can understand what i wanted.
Corresponding with my Dr. Cohen over WhatsApp. He is renewing my drag recipe, it's a stronger dose this time, and i need it more often.
He's still trying to convince me to come back home, to try some experimental miracle drug but I've seen it before, no thanks it wont work I've been there with my mother, nothing will help once you are terminal. I have only one ticket in one direction. I wonder where it is... i don't want to think about the days when I'll really get sick, it is coming i won't just disappear one day, the thought of how everything will unfold worries me.
I found that the owners doughters name is Ji-an she is 21 and speaks some broken English.
She was trying to befriend me for a few days now, i started visiting the little coffee shop every day drinking my green tea reading an e-book on my tablet, or just listening to music while staring out the window. Its been two weeks now but something changed today, the little bell on the top of the door jingles, the door opened and someone came in, i rais my eyes to see who it is.
Two young man based on their attire wearing black medical face masks that cover most of their faces, they speak in Korean between them. They ask the owner lady for something and go to sit down at a far corner table chatting and giggling with one another.
I turn to look at Ji-an behind the cash register, she looks like she's about to loose it, her mother grabs her arm pulling her into the back room.
I turn back to watch the street outside, when i hear the owner lady serv the men their coffee.
They chatter for a while laughing, i wish i understood what they were saying. I don't look at them trying to ignore the voices but in some point i turn around and my eyes fall on them, one of them is sitting with his back to me but the second one is facing in my direction, he is wearing his mask so i can't see his face but for a moment there our eyes meet.
He looks straight at me for a few moments, i amidiatly turn back to the window sipping from my tea.
After a few minutes they stend up paying for the coffee and head out. He watches me when passing by.
The owner lady comes up to me with a bowl of vanilla ice cream smiling, i look up at her then at the bowl. Trying to make signs with my heands
"Oh! No no i didn't order ice cream.." she tries to say something but i dotnt understand, so she calls Ji-an over ordering het to translate.
"Oh! My! God!! He ordered ice cream for you!" She looks flushed and excited.
"Who did? I don't understand.." she grabs the ice cream and puts it on the table in front of me
"Chan!! Oh my god!!" She screams jumping "He come here a lot now they rest. Ahhh!" She screams again making me jump, and runs away.
I don't get it, looking at the ice cream a small note is placed on the table in front of me, the lady walks away. I pick up the small paper and open it in English letters it says "Beautiful" just one word.
I don't understand what just happened but this made me nervous.
I return home soon after, my stomach turning, but i feel good, my head hurts a little but i don't think about it.
I take out the small piece if paper and read it again "Beautiful.." what was that? Why was Ji-an so excited for? She seemed to know who they were but couldn't Colm Down enough to say anything coherent.
I put the note on my living room table sitting down to try and watch some TV. I don't understand a word, everything is in Korean so i find some random channel with some kdama, i actually like watching them the main handsome young man always falls in love with a plain looking clumsy young girl. Sometimes i wish i was there, whete the hero and heroine fall in love against all odds and.. i close my eyes feeling a little lightheaded, i chase all the romantic thoughts out of my head. Its not for me anymore, the romance and happy ending, I won't have that.
I lay down on the sofa just for a few minutes to get some rest, but my eyes are so tired.
My thoughts stsrt racing again, i think about the mysterious character from the coffee shop, something alluring was in his eye, i was intrigued by Ji-ans reaction, who was he to make her so carzy??
I wake up the next morning still in the same clothes, i must have fallen asleep. Today will be just another quiet time spent by myself.
My body hurts a little maybe from sleeping on the he sofa maybe there's another reason but i promise myself to have a good day. I pour some orange juice and think about maybe eating something but that though makes me feel sick to my stomach so i skip breakfast.

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